Archive ID: MC-F-17

Film of American Legion events

Date Created: 1952

Donor: Brian Murphy

Media Type: Film/Video

Language: English


American Legion events: 1. “1952 Post Installation Dinner” and ceremonies. 2. Memorial Day commemoration. 3. Baseball game, “Eddie and Cony Game.”


This home movie shows the dedication of a veterans memorial at St. George’s Church, originally a Slovenian Church on the East Side. There were numerous Veterans Organizations that operated in Southeast Chicago. These included the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Veterans (AmVets), Polish Legion of American Veterans (PLAV), Christian War Veterans (CWV), and more. One of the key activities for veterans groups was holding memorials. Such activities held particular meaning in the post-World War II period given the large number of men and women in the area who had served and the many who died.

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War Experiences   WWII   1950-1979   Other/Unknown   Other/Unknown   Film/Video