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Wetlands to Waste
An interactive documentary told through Museum objects saved by Southeast Chicago residents
photo credit: Terry Evans
photo credit: Terry Evans
Loading petcoke onto a barge
on the Calumet River, 2015
Aerial image of petcoke piles
on Calumet River, 2014
Portraits of anti-petcoke activists taken by photographer Terry Evans
Top-to-Bottom, Left-to-Right:
Ann Joseph, Anthony Martinez, Alberto Rincon, Carolyn Marsh, Cliff Joseph, Jim Kinney, Kate Koval, [unidentified], Arturo Sentano, Martin Morales, Olga Bautista, Martin & Scarlet Morales, Sam Corona, Peggy Salazar.

Olga Bautista
Co-Founder, Southeast Coalition to Ban Petcoke
“Our lived experience is our experience.
That’s what we bring to the table.”
- Olga Bautista
Co-Founder, Southeast Coalition to Ban Petcoke
Balloon-mapping image of petcoke piles
along Calumet River, 2014

It was out of these Calumet wetlands that the industry of Southeast Chicago emerged.

Gina Roxas and Peggy Gonzales, Southeast Chicago residents
“So this area, historically, before all the settlement, before the mills, was Potawatomi land."
Land Title Document

Growing up in Southeast Chicago’s wetland environment
Quotes from Harold Anderson, Bernice Anderson, Mildred Barney, Signe Bloore, and Ruth Ballman
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club

“When I was a boy, I’d lie on the porch in the summertime... and you would see the sky glow when they’d pour of the Bessemer [furnaces].”
- Ed Sadlowski
Labor Leader
Type of Fill Deposits
Industrial waste
Natural Material (incl. sand and clay)
Steel industry waste
Dredging spoil
Biological sludge
Ash and cinders
Construction debris
Municipal solid Waste
Laying landfill at Calumet Park

Land created from slag fill at South Works mill site.
Photo Credit: Stella Brown.
Interview at Museum with East Side resident Diane Krajl

Chuck Walley, Former Steelworker
Wisconsin Steel site, 2002
“Exit Zero,” courtesy Chris Boebel
“... you had just this truly incredible concentration of industries.”
- Craig Colten
Prof. of Geography, Louisiana State University
Author of “Industrial Wastes in the Calumet Region”
Sources (PDF)
From documentary “Southeast: A City within a City” dir. Steven Walsh
“The dust that was in the air, affected your lungs.”
- Frank Corona
Southeast Chicago firefighter
From documentary “Southeast: A City within a City” dir. Steven Walsh

Craig Colton & Carolyn Marsh
"Well, the area was filled with landfills…"
Lake Calumet, 1938
photo credit: Terry Evans
photo credit: Matthew Kaplan
Hazel Johnson, Founder, People for Community Recovery

Judy Lihota, President, Calumet Ecological Park Association, Hegewisch resident
-->Marian Byrnes
Founder Southeast Environmental Taskforce
photo credit: Terry Evans
Martinez family symbolically blocking
the new petcoke shipping rail spur, 2014

photo credit: Isaiah Sarju
photo credit: Oscar Sanchez
photo credit: Oscar Sanchez
Graphic magazine created in conjunction
with activist youth in Southeast Chicago, 2021
photo credit: Paul Goyette

Hunger striker Jade Mazon pounding a nail in a symbolic coffin for each day on the hunger strike.
“When there was a buzz around a hunger strike, I thought... that is punk rock.”
Interview with Jade Mazon
photo credit: Matthew Kaplan
Environmental Controversies
in Southeast Chicago Past and Present
Read More
(click numbered locations to learn more)
Sources (PDF)

Green steel advocates in Whiting, Indiana with Lake Michigan and the Indiana Harbor mill in the background, 2023. Photo credit: Matthew Kaplan
Footage courtesy of Steven Walsh
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PRODUCED BY: Chris Walley
STORY NARRATIVE & CREATIVE DIRECTION: Chris Walley, Paige Mazurek, Steven Walsh
CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Steven Walsh, Chris Boebel
PROJECT MANAGERS: Chris Walley, Jeff Soyk
RESEARCH: Chris Walley, Rod Sellers, Steven Walsh
CAMERA: Chris Boebel, Steven Walsh, Matt Goetz, Pratyush Swarup
VIDEO EDITING: Paige Mazurek
GRAPHICS: Paige Mazurek
SOUND DESIGN: Billy Wirasnik
SOUND RECORDING: Steven Walsh, Matt Goetz
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to all those in Southeast Chicago who donated materials helping preserve the environmental history of the Calumet as well as its long history of environmental activism. Thanks also to the amazing creative team and volunteers whose hard work made this multimedia documentary possible! Thanks to multiple wonderful artists of the Calumet region for allowing us to use their work. Thanks to Steve Walsh for letting us use clips and footage from his documentary “Southeast: A City within a City” and to Chris Boebel for use of footage from “Exit Zero: An Industrial Family Story.” Thanks to Matthew Kaplan, Terry Evans, Oscar Sanchez, Isaiah Sarju, and Stella Brown for use of their artwork. In the opening video about petcoke, B roll visuals were provided by Matthew Kaplan, Steven Walsh, Matt Goetz, Chris Boebel, and Chris Walley. In addition, our sincere thanks to Madeleine Tudor, Chun Kamei, Philip Willink, Doug Stotz and Sara Ruane at the Field Museum for letting Chris W, Steve and Matt into their basement to photograph early Wolf Lake wildlife specimens. Our gratitude to Rick Neubieser for sharing new images, material items, and stories about the history of his family at Wolf Lake. Thanks to Tony Arduino and Declan Cannon, current workers in the Calumet steel industry, who responded to a call by Rod Sellers and provided excellent input onto steel mill processes and associated toxic substances. Our deep gratitude to Olga Bautista, Gina Roxas, Peggy Gonzales, Jade Mazon, and Carolyn Marsh for making time for video interviews (and to Olga and Liberty for braving a freezing wind along the Calumet River!). Finally, thanks also to Madeleine Tudor for her generous input on how to learn more about indigenous presence in the Calumet region and whom to contact.
Documentary Films:
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Boebel, Chris (dir) and Christine Walley
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Sommer, Ines
2023The Hills. (click to visit) Feature-length documentary film.
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