Osborne Calvin Ferguson oral history interview conducted by Museum Director Rod Sellers. “Rod Sellers is a volunteer with the Metropolitan Family Services and Southeast Chicago Historical Society participating with the Successful Aging in Caring Communities Project to collect oral histories from area residents who worked in local steel mills. The interview was conducted at the Southeast Historical Museum. Osborne Ferguson worked at the Acme Steel Plant; the interview details his experiences and memories of his working years.” This Metropolitan Family Services oral history also identified as “MFS 8a.”
Video excerpts include:
0:00 Safety and Sensory Experience of Mills
1:31 Ferguson’s Role in Union
2:54 Race in Mills
4:55 Accidents
5:40 Reunions After Mills Closed: Pride in Job
This oral history with Osborne Calvin Ferguson was conducted by Museum Director Rod Sellers in 2005 at the Southeast Chicago Historical Museum. Osborne Ferguson had worked at the Acme Steel Plant for 37 years from 1964 until 2001. The interview details Ferguson’s experiences and memories as a steelworker, including discussion of working conditions and accidents, unions, race relations, and employee gatherings after the mill closed. This oral history was one in a series conducted with former Southeast Chicago steelworkers as part of the Successful Aging in Caring Communities Project sponsored by the Metropolitan Family Services and the Southeast Chicago Historical Society where Sellers has been a volunteer for many decades.