138 resource matches
Alfred Fleischer oral history interview
American Serbian Vets skit
Andrew Ringman biography
Bardelli family in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bardelli sisters in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bob Sarnowski at U.S. Steel, South Works
Bohling’s Grocery and Market
Borozan family house on Burley Avenue during flood
Borozan family picnic in Calumet Park
Brokop family
Cast of “Krakowski Wesele” at St. Bronislava Church
Ceremony at Sacred Heart Church construction site
C.G. Osterberg and Son coal yard and truck
Child on pony
Children at Sunday school picnic
Children outside Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Chor Wolnosc
Church Kolo
Church Kolo banquet
Copies of marriage certificates in St. Francis De Sales Parish records
Croatian Sokol Club, Hrvatski Sokol
Drazba family home movies Reel B
E. Findeisen with horse Sam
Ed Sadlowski and family
Ed Sadlowski and father
Ernst Findeisen with horse Sam, 1913
Findeisen and Lewis families in garden
Findeisen Family Plasterers
Findeisen family reunion
First Holy Communion certificate
Frances and George Jr. Baumann
Frank Kalwasinski during WWI
Gabrian family
George Willy Hardware
Geraldine Borozan oral history interview
Gerry Jolly and Steve Borozan wedding
Girls with snowman
Great-Aunt Jenny’s boarding house
Group of nuns
Halloween costume party
Harry Pacini with woman in wheelchair
Hazebusch and Findeisen families on boat
Helen and Eric Brokop oral history interview
Henry Dolatowski
High chair
Holy Name Society
Holy Name Society, St. George Slovenian Church
Home movies of East Side Labor Day Parade and Bocce Ball Tournament, Sept. 1, 1985.
Illinois Steel Company Employment Office
Image of Mouth of Calumet River labelled “South Chicago in 1870”
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Society at St. George’s Church
Italian Soldier, Pacini family
Joe Brudski near woodpile
John Czajka WWI diary
John W. Spreitzer, United States Army, World War I
Jolly children holding kittens
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich welding
Kosak’s Bakery
Kralj wedding party
Leonard Findeisen Leading Horse Sam to pull up Oro boat along Calumet River with ships in background
Letter in Croatian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Hungarian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Polish to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Lida Milano
Loretta Dolatowski in civil defense uniform
Marino Bardelli behind counter
Martin Luther King, Jr. and civil rights demonstrators on Ewing Avenue
Mary Grace Santelli Holechko oral history interview
Mary Lou Skaggs oral history interview
Mary Sertich midwife journal
Men on “Submarine” boat
Mendoza family gatherings and Loncar Tavern
Milano children at first Holy Communion
Milano family
Milano’s Grocery Store
Mildred Barnay, Walter Maloney, Augie Ruf, and Alex Savastano oral history interview
Mr. Schingle in backyard with chickens at 10645 Ave O on East Side
Ogniwo at Marquette Gardens
Olejnik children in military costumes
Olejnik children on World War II paper drive
Oral history with Diane Krajl
Photo “Good Catch” of Schupp child posed with fish along Calumet River, 1914
Polish dancers in South Chicago Bicentennial Parade
Polish family Christmas
Polish organization 25th Anniversary banquet
Polish wedding party on 88th and Escanaba
Polka Home Style Sausage Store
Polonia Publishing Company advertisment
Popovich Brothers and Pete Mistovich band
Portrait of Lena DeMarco
Raymond “Archie” Arsenault oral history interview
Redecorating old St. Mary Magdalene Church
Regina Margherita Social Club
Robert and Lucille Koche oral history interview
Robert H. Bork oral history interview, tape one
Robert H. Bork oral history interview, tape three
Roberta Wood oral history interview
Russ W. and John Small, Maintenance Foreman, in shop at U.S. Steel, South Works
Sacred Heart Croatian Tamburitza and Kolo Group banner
Sacred Heart Graduation Class of 1930
Sadlowski family
Santa Milano farming near Lake Calumet
Santa Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Serbian Kola Dancers of St. Michael Archangel Church
Serbian New Year’s Eve celebration
Serbian Sisters cookbook
Sergeant Frank Kalwasinski
Side view of “Oro” boat
Sokol Social and Athletic Club history
South Chicago football team
South Works employee badge of James P. Fitzgibbons
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club hunting parade float with Republic blast furnace behind
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel South Works
St. Archangel Michael Church Serbian Eaglettes women’s basketball team
St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church parishioners and Serbian volunteers
St. Florian School, first graduating class
St. Florian’s Lodge #44, K.S.K.J.
St. Florian’s School, 8th Grade Class
St. Patrick’s School, 4th Grade Class
Steve Borozan in Marine uniform
Sts. Peter and Paul dedication
Sts Peter and Paul Parochial School Class of 1882
Students outside St. Peter and Paul School
The Red Cross Mothers of St. Mary Magdalene Church
Tom Shanley, craneman at the Bessemer Department
Trumbull Park Riots headline in The Daily Calumet, 1953
Two workers and “DANGER” sign in multiple languages
Valentino Milano playing concertina
Valentino Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Victor Storino oral history interview
Wedding of Joseph and Joanne Vukobratovich
Woman sitting on trunk near Pennsylvania Depot
Women at Local 65 Rally with Sign “Defend Our Basic Rights”
Women swimming at Calumet Beach
Wrapped in Steel filming