31 resource matches
Andrew Ringman biography
Annie Neubieser’s driver’s license
Certificate of Naturalization for Carmen Martinez Arias
Copies of marriage certificates in St. Francis De Sales Parish records
Drawing of Acme/Interlake Steel By Products Tree 1932
First Holy Communion certificate
Hearings before La Follette Civil Liberties Committee
Illinois Steel Company $1000 bond
Jay Gould Circus free ticket
Knickerbocker Ice Company letterhead
Letter in Croatian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in English to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Hungarian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Polish to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter to Republic Steel employees from Tom M. Girdler
Lyman Trumbull Park Dedication Service program
Map of Calumet River and lakes
Memorial Day Massacre death certificates
Memorial Day Massacre funeral services advertisement
Minnie Neubieser Lightfoot oral history
Polonia Publishing Company advertisment
Popovich Brothers and Pete Mistovich band
Progressive Steel Workers Union membership card
Sokol Social and Athletic Club history
Valley Mould and Iron Corporation history
Vaudette Theatre advertisement
War ration book two
Weapons invoices from Federal Laboratories, Inc. to Republic Steel Company
Weapons invoices from Federal Laboratories, Inc. to Union Drawn Steel Company
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company history