811 resource matches
100th Street, South Deering
106th Street Bridge tender and card sharks
20th Anniversary Banquet, South Chicago Y.M.C.A.
“E” Award presentation at South Works
“Eastland” wreck
“Safety First” logo
“The Harvester,” ship at Wisconsin Steel
“The White Kitchen” restaurant
92nd Street Bridge
92nd Street businesses
95th Street Bridge Grand Opening
99th Street and Ewing Avenue
Acme ABF Casting Floor
Acme Exhauster Room, Statler Hotel
Acme Steel Blast Furnace Casting Iron color photograph
Admiral Evers presenting Navy “E” Awards to South Works
Aerial of Acme Steel
Aerial of South Works
Aerial photo of Calumet Cluster Superfund Site, 2009
Aerial photo of Lake Calumet, 1946
Aerial photo of Lake Calumet, 2009
Aerial photo of Waste Management CID Landfill
Aerial photograph from helicopter of KCBX petcoke piles
Aerial view of South Works
Aerial view of Wisconsin Steel Works
Air raid warden
Alarm box
Alice Peurala, President Local 65, at Rally to Keep U.S. Steel-South Works Open
Alley between Brandon and Burley Avenues
Amelia and Elvera Morentin Covarruvias
American Legion South Deering Post No. 1238
American Legion South Deering Post No. 1238 award presentation
American Legion veterans commemoration service at Our Lady of Guadalupe
American Serbian Vets skit
Anna and Hannah with guns
Artillery shells at Western Steel Car Company
August and Annie Neubieser
Balloon mapping aerial image of petcoke piles with petcoke on snow on Calumet River
Balloon mapping aerial of petcoke piles along Calumet River
Baltimore Avenue businesses
Band at Neighborhood House Street Fair
Barber trimming child’s hair at Flowers Barbershop
Bardelli family in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bardelli sisters in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Baseball team
Bessemer Park Volleyball Champions
Bessemer Park volleyball team
Beth and John Leo, Avenue J
Bethlehem Lutheran Church fire
Bill Ross at work
Blast Furnace Orchestra
Boat “Manta” launching
Boat “Oro” near 106th Street Bridge
Boats “Manta” and “W.L. Mercereau”
Bob Sarnowski at U.S. Steel, South Works
Bocce players
Bohling’s Grocery and Market
Bongress shoes and jean pants for foundrymen
Bonivirs football game at Indiana State Prison
Borozan family house on Burley Avenue during flood
Borozan family picnic in Calumet Park
Bowen Class of 1880
Bowen High School football game
Bowen School
Bowen School Class of 1880
Bowling team
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Claretian Missionaries Archives
Boxcar camp, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Boxcar camp WIRR, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Boxers including Louis Aguilar holding trophies
Boxing match at South Deering Pleasure and Athletic Club
Boys boxing at South Chicago YMCA
Boys choir, South Chicago YMCA
Boys on toy car
Boys outside South Works Administration Building
Boys’ Alliance Club, So. Chicago Y.M.C.A.
Bridge wreckage in water
Brody’s Clothing Store
Brokop family
Source: Field Museum
Brook Silverside Fish, Wolf Lake, 1898
Brooks Field airplane with pilot
Calumet Beach
Calumet Skyway opening ceremony with Mayor Richard J. Daley
Calumet Skyway under construction
Calumet Studio
Cannon in Hummel Square
Car race at Roby Race Track
Carl Luefke with dog Modacxs
Cast of “Krakowski Wesele” at St. Bronislava Church
CC Billets going into electric induction furnace, U.S. Steel, South Works
CC Motor Inspectors in Motor Inspectors shop, U.S. Steel, South Works
CC Tower pulpit control console, U.S. Steel, South Works
Source: Book “Mexican Chicago”
Ceremonial move from original Our Lady of Guadalupe church building to new one
Ceremony at Sacred Heart Church construction site
C.G. Osterberg and Son coal yard and truck
C.G. Osterberg and Son horse-drawn sprinkling wagon
Championship baseball game at Russell Square Park
Changing hot metal tracks at South Works
Chester Linden funeral
Chicago Shipbuilding Company
Chicago Skyway Bridge under construction
Chicago Steel and Wire carnival
Chicago Steel and Wire, Testing Department
Chicago Steel and Wire, worker on the job
Chicago Steel and Wire, workers on break
Chicago Teachers Union Strike
Chicago Vocational School vs South Shore High School basketball game
Child at Community Youth Day
Child in yard with South Chicago streetcar in background
Child on pony
Children at Sunday school picnic
Children dancers in Mexican Independence Day Parade
Children dancing in Mexican Independence Day Parade
Children from St. Michael’s Church at Camp Lange
Children from St. Michael’s Church on road to Camp Lange
Children in alley
Children in clerical costumes
Children in Halloween costumes at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Children on scrap-metal drive during World War I
Children outside Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Children painting SCOPE mural
Children play in Lake Michigan
Children wearing costumes
Children’s choir at Saints Peter and Paul Church Centennial
Chor Wolnosc
Church Kolo
Church with nativity scene inset
Circus parade on 92nd Street
Civil Defense Parade on Commercial Avenue
Clarence and Pat near steel mill
Closing Ceremonies, Y.M.C.A. English Classes
Cocula Restaurant
Colfax Grocery Store
Color photograph of Wisconsin Steel Gate #6, post-shutdown
Comite Patriotico Mexicano (Mexican Patriotic Committee), Mexican Independence Day
Commercial Meat Market
Community Youth Day, children dancing
Community Youth Day, dance contest
Community Youth Day, fashion models
Community Youth Day, gymnastics
Community Youth Day, moonwalk
Community Youth Day, paintings
Community Youth Day Parade, color guard
Community Youth Day Parade, marching band
Community Youth Day Parade Queen
Community Youth Day, stage
Community Youth Day, Stony Island Park
Community Youth Day, woodcrafts
Coni and Herb Martinez
Cordero’s Radio Shop, 3315 East 89th Street
Couple at beach
Couples near train
Cow in backyard in South Deering, 1926
Croatian Sokol Club, Hrvatski Sokol
Crowd for “E” Award presentation at South Works
Crowd in line for “Open House”
Crowds watch as steamer “Kordal” is ready to leave shipyards
Cummings School 5th Grade Class
CVS Vocational Day
Daily Calumet photograph of Oil Drums with Industrial Smoke in Background
Dance class at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Dancers at South Chicago Community Center’s 1st Annual Meeting
Dancers for Mexican Independence Day Parade
Danger sign at South Works
Daniel Jordan’s Pressing Shop
Deer and guns
Dentist pulling patient’s tooth
District 31 USWA Women’s Caucus event
District 31 USWA Women’s Conference bus
Dorine Godinez and companion on Labor Day parade float for Local 1010 and SOAR
Dr. Walter Titzel’s operating room
Dry dock gate at shipyard
E. Findeisen with horse Sam
East 92nd Street
East Side Fire Department
East Side Maroon A.C. truck
East Side winter
Ed Neubieser and friends
Ed Sadlowski and campaign supporters
Ed Sadlowski and family
Ed Sadlowski and father
Ed Sadlowski and fellow steelworkers at a victory party
Ed Sadlowski and South Works
Ed Sadlowski and steelworkers after hours
Ed Sadlowski campaign headquarters
Ed Sadlowski campaign poster
Ed Sadlowski campaign supporter
Ed Sadlowski campaigners with posters
Ed Sadlowski talking to steelworkers
Ed Sadlowski talking with steelworkers
Ed Sadlowski with steelworkers
Edward Cervantez funeral procession
E.J.E. Railroad Round House at U.S. Steel, South Works
Elkins children in front of family car
Elkins children on Christmas
Elkins children on Easter
Elkins children with family car
Employee modeling protective face mask
Ernst Findeisen with horse Sam, 1913
Exhibit of the Illinois Steel Company in the American Museum of Safety
Falstaff Brewing Strike
Family and car at Wolf Lake
Family at 9034 Houston Avenue
Family in backyard
Family on front porch
Family picnic near lake
Family with car
Farmers and children with horse-drawn equipment
F.E. Neubieser General Auto Repairing
Findeisen and Lewis families in garden
Findeisen Family Plasterers
Findeisen family reunion
First Cana Conference at Our Lady of Guadalupe
First picket line at Republic Steel gate
Five generations of the Neubieser family
Five men doing handstands
Four generations of Neubieser family
Fourth of July Parade across from Wisconsin Steel, 1938
Frances and George Jr. Baumann
Frank and Lottie Dolatowski in Dolatowski Store
Frank Kalwasinski during WWI
Fred, Ed, and Joe Neubieser by clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Fred Neubieser with horses at Wolf Lake
Friends in front of Zwaizdalski’s Drug Store
Funeral procession after Iroquois Theater Fire
G. Sidlin Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler
Gabrian family
Gayety Theatre, showing Spanish language movies
George Willy Hardware
Girl in pageant with Statue of Liberty doll
Girls on carousel horses at St. Columba carnival
Girls outside Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Girls with snowman
Goldblatt’s Reopening
Grain elevator fire
Grain elevator fire at 102nd and Calumet River
Grain elevator fire at 102nd Street and Calumet River
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, Pile Driver No. 81
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company workers on the job
Great-Aunt Jenny’s boarding house
Group at Local 65
Group of cyclists
Group of nuns
Group of women
Group of women at construction site
Group of women with holiday stockings
Group outside Y.M.C.A. building
Gymnast at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Halloween costume party
Hans Findeisen, plasterer
Hans Findeisen, Red, and two women on Nelson’s tower
Harry Pacini and child playing poker
Harry Pacini at Chicago White Sox game
Harry Pacini with woman in wheelchair
Hazebusch and Findeisen families on boat
Helen Preston contact sheet
Helen Preston’s grandparents
Helen Preston’s parents
Henry Dolatowski
Henry Dolatowski and grandfather Jack Stasiak
Herman Galla and his horse-drawn milk wagon
Herndobler General Store
Holy Name Society
Holy Name Society, St. George Slovenian Church
Honor Roll in Victory Garden
Hopkinson’s Store
Horseback riders in South Chicago parade
Horse-drawn carts in front of barn
Horses pulling boat out of water
House at Wolf Lake
Howard Hague and Joseph Germano visit picket line
Ice cutting on Wolf Lake
Illinois Steel baseball team
Illinois Steel baseball team on playing field
Illinois Steel Company Employment Office
Image of Mouth of Calumet River labelled “South Chicago in 1870”
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Society at St. George’s Church
Indianapolis Boulevard panorama
Information board at South Works
Inland Steel boat “Wilfred Sykes” in harbor at night
Inland Steel workers outside Dock Office
Interstate Iron and Steel Company safety sign
Irondale Elevator
Iroquois Steel
Iroquois Steel No. 1 Blast Furnace
Italian Soldier, Pacini family
J. Wolf in uniform
James Johnston’s Paint Store
Jerry on Calumet Beach by 101st Street pier
Joe Brudski near woodpile
Joe Neubieser in front of “club house”
Joe Neubieser on boat at Wolf Lake
Joe Neubieser outside clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Joe Neubieser with bee hives
John and Eunice Leo wedding
John Kalwasinski and friends at Coney Island during WWII
John Patton, Mayor of Burnham, on horse-drawn carriage
Jolly children holding kittens
Joseph Konyvesy
Joseph Scinski with Mother Michaeline and Father Joseph
Justino Cordero and Mexican Independence Day Queen
Kinney’s Marble Rail Bar
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich welding
Kosak’s Bakery
Kralj wedding party
La Superior Tortilla Place
La Superior Tortilla Place, 3221 East 91st Street
Ladies Stag Party
Ladle shield diagram
Landfilling at Calumet Park
Latin American Fraternal Society of South Chicago
Latin American Social Athletic Club
Latones Club, Bowen High School
Leonard Findeisen Leading Horse Sam to pull up Oro boat along Calumet River with ships in background
Lewis, Kosak, Vollman, and company
Lida Milano
Linden family
Linden family at Calumet Park beach
Linus Findeisen diving into Calumet River
Local 1010 “Women of Steel” gathering
Local 1033 display, panel 10
Local 1033 display, panel 12
Local 1033 display, panel 13
Local 1033 display, panel 16
Local 1033 display, panel 17
Local 1033 display, panel 19
Local 1033 display, panel 22
Local 1033 display, panel 23
Local 1033 display, panel 24
Local 1033 display, panel 26
Local 1033 display, panel 29
Local 1033 display, panel 3
Local 1033 display, panel 30
Local 1033 display, panel 5
Local 1033 display, panel 9
Local 1033 members listen to radio
Local 1033 members on strike
Local 1033 members picket at Republic Steel gate
Local 1033 strikers
Local 1033 Union election
Local 65 car
Local 65 Christmas party
Local 65 kitchen and cooks
Local 65 meeting
Local 65 members at Solidarity Day
Local 65 members participating in Solidarity Day
Local 65 Old Timers Mushroom Hunt Party
Local 65 parade float
Local 65 President Alice Peurala speaking at “Stop Sex Discrimination” Rally
Local 65 Rally at U.S. Steel-South Works protesting sex discrimination
Local 65 rally at U.S. Steel-South Works protesting sex discrimination and unhygienic conditions
Local 65 steelworkers social gathering
Local 65 strikers picket outside South Works entrance
Local 65 strikers put hands together
Local union presidents planning shutdown
Long view of two workers on South Works ore barge
Loretta Dolatowski in civil defense uniform
Louie Neubieser collecting trash
Louie Neubieser making hay for horses
Louis Aguilar boxing
Lucio Martinez
Lupe Vera’s Orchestra
M. Rafaila
Man and child sit outdoors
Man and children on porch
Man fishing on Lake Michigan shore
Man holding pheasant being reared by Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
Man in garden with chickens
Man wearing protective head gear
Man with cow
Man with three women
Man with two steer
Man working in tool shop
Marcella Kitching, Local 65
Maria and Herculano Cervantes
Mariachi musicians in park
Marino Bardelli behind counter
Market Day at 106th Street
Martha Martinez
Martinez family in Mexico
Martinez women in front of St. Kevin’s Church
Mary Quiroz outside house
Maryann and Vivian Elkins
Maryann Elkins sitting on family car
Mayas A.C. Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team and directors
Mayas basketball team, 1932-1933 champions
Mayas softball team, 1937 champions
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago, Bessemer Park
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago players
Mayas Sports Club softball team
Memorial Day Steelworker Strike
Men holding string of fish
Men in field near shed with “ON STRIKE, CIO” painted on side
Men on “Submarine” boat
Men play checkers on picket line
Men playing cards
Men playing checkers during strike
Men sitting inside Texaco gas station
Men with car in alley
Mexican Congregational Church of South Chicago basketball team
Mexican Independence Day Parade, 91st Street
Mexican Independence Day Parade float
Mexican Independence Day Parade float, 92nd Street
Mexican Independence Day Parade Queen, Mexican Patriotic Club
Mexican Independence Day Parade, South Chicago, 1939
Mexican Independence Day Parade with children in pick-up truck
Milan’s Restaurant and Pizzeria in Hegewisch
Milano children at first Holy Communion
Milano family
Milano’s Grocery Store
Military celebration at South Works
Military celebration with Sons of the American Legion marching band
Military members and nurses with flags
Mill fireman pulling hose off fire wagon
Minnie Neubieser Lightfoot at Wolf Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. Justino Cordero, wedding
Mr. Schingle in backyard with chickens at 10645 Ave O on East Side
Mrs. Fredericka Konybisy with horse
National Malting Company fire
Navy sailors outside The Milky Way General Store
Neubieser family and car at Wolf Lake
Neubieser family at Wolf Lake
Neubieser home at Wolf Lake
Nevak family in mourning
Newspaper stand outside 89th Street gate, U.S. Steel, South Works
Offrenda at Steelworkers Park
Ogniwo at Marquette Gardens
Olejnik children in military costumes
Olejnik children on World War II paper drive
Ore boats laid up for winter
Othello Group rehearsing
Our Lady of Guadalupe, blessing corner stone
Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrating laying cornerstone of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church altar
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church building
Our Lady of Guadalupe dedication ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe ground breaking ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class of 1931
Our Lady of Guadalupe mass and celebration of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen and Mother of all Mexicans
Our Lady of Guadalupe Young Ladies Sodality Society
Parade celebrating cornerstone installation for new Our Lady of Guadalupe church
Patricia Rodriguez, Pan-Am Parade Queen
Patriotic event at steel plant
People on bench outside house
Phil Sheridan basketball game at Our Lady of Guadalupe Youth Center
Photo “Good Catch” of Schupp child posed with fish along Calumet River, 1914
Photo of Alice Peurala, President of Local 65, with sign behind her reading “Keep South Works Open.”
Photo of Coalition to Ban Petcoke protesters engaged in civil disobedience at KCBX storage facility
Photo of film interview with members of Teatro del Barrio
Photo of goat herd on Paxton II landfill
Photo of Hegewisch residents protesting Lake Calumet airport proposal
Photo of hunters from Southeast Sportsmen’s Club holding two foxes after a hunt
Photo of hunters in boat with ducks and row boats on Wolf Lake
Photo of mural in Calumet Park fieldhouse of Native Americans in the Calumet region
Photo of Southeast Sportsmen Clubhouse on Wolf Lake with handwritten labels
Photo of women making music at Local 65 rally to protest women’s locker room conditions
Photo portrait of Harry Middleton
Photograph of Mud Hen Hunters
Picket line outside Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, South Works gate
Picketers at 88th Street gate
Picketers rush to Republic Steel strikers on ground
Picketing steelworkers outside Anton’s Tavern
Picnic, Pressed Steel Car Company workers
Platform tower falling over
Plowing War Garden
Police and strikers carry victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol car
Police block Republic Steel strikers’ path
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol car
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol wagon
Police hit Republic Steel strikers with batons
Police load victims of Memorial Day Massacre into patrol wagon
Police shoot at Republic Steel strikers
Policeman raises baton over Republic Steel striker on ground
Policeman sleeping near picketing steelworkers outside Anton’s Tavern
Policeman strikes Republic Steel striker with baton
Polish dancers in South Chicago Bicentennial Parade
Polish family Christmas
Polish organization 25th Anniversary banquet
Polish wedding party on 88th and Escanaba
Polka Home Style Sausage Store
Pool Room, 3221 East 91st Street
Portrait of Lena DeMarco
Postcard of construction workers on site
Pressed Steel Car Company
Pressed Steel Car Company workers
Pressed Steel Car Company, World War I bond rally
Preston children
Priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe blessing motorcycles
Priests on beach at Camp Lange
Private John “Jack” E. Middleton
Quinceañera at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Raclaws baseball team, Russell Square Park Champions
Railroad accident
Railroad accident at 102nd Street
Railroad tracks at Arizona and Hegewisch dividing line
Ray and Millie Dolatowski
Red Cross Volunteers
Redecorating old St. Mary Magdalene Church
Regina Margherita Social Club
Republic Steel strike, police injure strikers
Republic Steel trolley stop
Republic Steel workers on strike
Republic Steel workers picketing
Republic steelworkers at union meeting
Republic Strike victim Hilding Anderson examined by Dr. L.H. Turek
Robert’s race car
Roby Racetrack starting line
Rolling Mill foreman “Wild Bill” Watkins at U.S. Steel, South Works
Rowboat near a ship and Federal Furnace
Russ W. and John Small, Maintenance Foreman, in shop at U.S. Steel, South Works
Russ W., CC Motor Inspector, in Motor Control Center (MCC), U.S. Steel, South Works
S.A. Livingston Horse Shoe Store
Sacred Heart Croatian Tamburitza and Kolo Group banner
Sacred Heart Graduation Class of 1930
Sadlowski family
Safety goggles
Sam’s Place, Republic Steel strike headquarters
Santa Milano farming near Lake Calumet
Santa Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Save Our Jobs Committee members outside Wisconsin Steel Works
Serbian Kola Dancers of St. Michael Archangel Church
Serbian New Year’s Eve celebration
Serbian play
Sergeant Frank Kalwasinski
Serving coffee to men on picket line
Side view of “Oro” boat
Sidewalk sale on Commercial Avenue
Sign for Southeast Sportsmen’s Club Pheasant Brooder Pens
Slag Valley Saloon
Soldiers on motorcycle
South Chicago Chamber of Commerce 50th Anniversary Banquet
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses
South Chicago Community Hospital operating room
South Chicago football team
South Chicago Hotel
South Chicago Plant of Illinois Steel Company
South Chicago Railway streetcar
South Chicago sidewalk scene
South Chicago Sports Club, Mayas A.C. baseball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. basketball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. Camp
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. office
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. War Garden
South Shore Tavern
South slip extension, Illinois Steel Company, South Works
South slip, Illinois Steel Company, South Works
South Works “Open House” advertisement
South Works Ambulance
South Works at night
South Works charging floors
South Works Department of Labor employees with mill police
South Works employees
South Works Fire brigade dousing fire
South Works Fire Department
South Works, Illinois Steel Company
South Works parade floats
South Works Police Force in Formation
South Works, Steelworkers Organizing Committee
Southeast Chicago industry with river
Southeast Chicago mural
Southeast Chicago tavern
Southeast Sportmen’s Club hunters
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club hunting parade float with Republic blast furnace behind
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club parade float
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel South Works
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel-South Works
Spectators at Mexican Independence Day Parade
Sportsman releasing birds
S.S. Harvester
St. Archangel Michael Church Serbian Eaglettes women’s basketball team
St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church parishioners and Serbian volunteers
St. Florian School, first graduating class
St. Florian’s Lodge #44, K.S.K.J.
St. Florian’s School, 8th Grade Class
St. Jude Holy Communion Class of 1933
St. Patrick’s Graduation Class, 1925
St. Patrick’s School, 4th Grade Class
Standard Oil fire
Steel yard with workers
Steelmaking crane with worker
Steelworker and hard hat
Steelworker at podium
Steelworker Bob McAuliffe, Union Official
Steelworker in hot foundry room
Steelworker in the mill
Steelworker on the job
Steelworker outside mill
Steelworker protestors sit on steps
Steelworker, Union Official
Steelworker with blueprint
Steelworker with gas blowing engines
Steelworker working on a machine
Steelworkers in hot foundry room
Steelworkers in steel beam room
Steelworkers Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich and Florence Joseph in Mill
Steelworkers on Break
Steelworkers on break
Steelworkers outside South Works gatehouse
Steelworkers picket, Local 65
Steelworkers picketing at South Works
Steelworkers wives in the kitchen at Local 65
Steve Borozan in Marine uniform
Steve Norguard on Commercial Avenue
Steve Pacini and newspaper vendor in front of Pacini’s Candy-Cigar Store
Streetcar tracks over Hyde Lake
Strikers carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Striking steelworkers in parking lot
Striking steelworkers march
Sts Peter and Paul Parochial School Class of 1882
Students outside St. Peter and Paul School
Sundodgers baseball team
Switchboard operators at US Steel
Tampico Club
Tanks from Pressed Steel Car Company
Tap dancer
Tavern, 3532 East 95th Street
Teatro del Barrio member
Teatro del Barrio members hold posters with “VIVA LA RAZA”
Teatro del Barrio performance
Teenage girls band
The Daily Calumet masthead
The Red Cross Mothers of St. Mary Magdalene Church
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club displaying fish
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club releasing birds
Three generations of Konyvesy/Neubieser women on porch
Three girls carrying food baskets
Tia Santos Cervantez and her children
Tia Santos Cervantez with woman leaning on car
Tom Shanley, craneman at the Bessemer Department
Tony and Vincenta Bravo
Tool shop worker
Trumbull Park Homes under construction
Trumbull Park Housing Project
Turtle hanging from rope
Two men playing checkers, Local 65 Strike
Two Men with horses
Two workers and “DANGER” sign in multiple languages
Underwater diver on dock
Union members and families march to picket at Republic Steel gate
United Brewery delivery wagon
United States Steel Foundation donation to Y.M.C.A.
United Steelworkers – Local 1010 calendar
United Steelworkers of America 10th Constitutional Convention
United Steelworkers of America, Local leaders
Unloading Iron Ore at Republic Steel dock on Calumet River
U.S. Navy Sailor pins “E” Award button on office worker’s shirt
U.S. Steel – Alloy Bar Department
U.S. Steel employees
U.S. Steel, South Works, 89th St gate
U.S. Steel, South Works, 89th Street gate w/ chain
U.S. Steel, South Works, 89th Street gate w/ elevated stairs
U.S. Steel, South Works, CC Rolling Mill control pulpit
U.S. Steel, South Works entrance at 81st and Brandon
U.S. Steel women’s bowling team
U.S. Steel Workers gathering at Marquette Garden
U.S. Steel workers on street corner
U.S. Steelworkers election
U.S. Steelworkers gathering at Marquette Garden
U.S. Steelworkers in line for election
U.S. Steelworkers meeting
U.S. Steelworkers picketing
U.S. Steelworkers’ in line for election
USW Local 1010 Contract Negotiating Rally
Valadez brothers at Southeast Chicago Historical Museum
Valadez brothers during Korean War
Valadez family at South Works
Valadez family in 1944
Valencia family
Valentino Milano playing concertina
Valentino Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Velma and Robert Elkins
Velma Elkins with her children
Veterans commemoration services, South Deering post
Victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Victims of Memorial Day Massacre on ground surrounded by police
Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Mural
Walter and Margaret Linden
Warren School baseball team
Warren School event
Wedding of Joseph and Joanne Vukobratovich
Western Steel Car and Foundry Company workers
Western Steel Car and Foundry on Armistice Day
William A. Field
Windy City Wheelers of Arabic Temple #44
Wisconsin Steel after shutdown
Wisconsin Steel Company advertisement
Wisconsin Steel gates
Wisconsin Steel Works
Wisconsin Steel Works after closure
Wisconsin Steel Works, blast furnace employees
Wolf Lake boat landing
Woman and child at Community Youth Day
Woman and children on bridge
Woman at Local 65 rally with sign “Fleas are an Added Benefit at USS”
Woman feeding chickens
Woman in field
Woman in military uniform
Woman running near fallen Republic Steel strikers
Woman sitting on trunk near Pennsylvania Depot
Woman speaking to Local 65 rally to protest conditions of women’s locker rooms
Women and children with corn plants
Women at “Stop Sex Discrimination” Rally at U.S. Steel-South Works
Women at Local 65 Rally with Sign “Defend Our Basic Rights”
Women hold banner for USWA District 31 Women’s Caucus at ERA rally in downtown Chicago
Women holding corn
Women sitting near Wolf Lake
Women Steelworkers from Local 1033 (Republic Steel) rally to support Equal Rights Amendment in downtown Chicago
Women swimming at Calumet Beach
Women with children outside house
Women workers at South Works
Women workers on railroad tracks
Women working at desks in South Works office
Work sign in multiple languages at South Works
Worker on railroad track
Worker on steel beams
Worker piling wood beams
Worker updating safety bulletin board at Interstate Grand Crossing Iron and Steel Company
Worker wearing protective net mask
Workers exit Republic Steel Corporation, South Chicago Works
Workers in machine shop
Workers on the job at South Works
Workers shoveling gravel into wheelbarrows
Workers sitting outside Administration building
Workers with wheelbarrows
Wrapped in Steel filming
WWI Bond Rally at Pressed Steel Car Company
WWI Military camp
Yaquis baseball team
Y.M.C.A. Building Campaign, 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue
Youth group at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church