453 resource matches
20th Anniversary Banquet, South Chicago Y.M.C.A.
“E” Award presentation at South Works
“Last Days of South Works” by Hector Martinez
“Making Steel and Killing Men”
“The White Kitchen” restaurant
92nd Street
92nd Street businesses
Admiral Evers presenting Navy “E” Awards to South Works
Advertisement, Halloween Dance, Comite Patriotico Mexicano
Advertisements, South Chicago businesses, Cordero Radio Shop
Aerial helicopter footage of Southeast Chicago.
Aerial of South Works
Aerial photograph from helicopter of KCBX petcoke piles
Aerial view of South Works
Alice Peurala, President Local 65, at Rally to Keep U.S. Steel-South Works Open
Alley between Brandon and Burley Avenues
American Legion veterans commemoration service at Our Lady of Guadalupe
Balloon mapping aerial image of petcoke piles with petcoke on snow on Calumet River
Balloon mapping aerial of petcoke piles along Calumet River
Band at Neighborhood House Street Fair
Barber trimming child’s hair at Flowers Barbershop
Bardelli family in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bardelli sisters in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bessemer Park
Bessemer Park swimming pool
Bessemer Park Volleyball Champions
Bessemer Park volleyball team
Blast Furnace Orchestra
Bob Sarnowski at U.S. Steel, South Works
Bowen Class of 1880
Bowen High School
Bowen High School football game
Bowen High School under construction
Bowen School
Bowen School Class of 1880
Boys boxing at South Chicago YMCA
Boys choir, South Chicago YMCA
Boys outside South Works Administration Building
Boys’ Alliance Club, So. Chicago Y.M.C.A.
Brokop family
Calumet National Bank
Calumet Theatre
Calumet Theatre and Columbus Statue
Cartoon in U.S. Steel News
Cast of “Krakowski Wesele” at St. Bronislava Church
CC Billets going into electric induction furnace, U.S. Steel, South Works
CC Motor Inspectors in Motor Inspectors shop, U.S. Steel, South Works
CC Tower pulpit control console, U.S. Steel, South Works
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Book “Mexican Chicago”
Ceremonial move from original Our Lady of Guadalupe church building to new one
Championship baseball game at Russell Square Park
Changing hot metal tracks at South Works
Chicago Ship Building Company, Dry Dock
Chicago Shipbuilding Company, Punching Shop
Chicago Shipbuilding Company yards
Chicago Vocational School vs South Shore High School basketball game
Child at Community Youth Day
Children dancers in Mexican Independence Day Parade
Children dancing in Mexican Independence Day Parade
Children in alley
Children in clerical costumes
Children painting SCOPE mural
Children wearing costumes
Children’s choir at Saints Peter and Paul Church Centennial
Circus parade on 92nd Street
Civil Defense Parade on Commercial Avenue
Clarence and Pat near steel mill
Closing Ceremonies, Y.M.C.A. English Classes
Cocula Restaurant
Colfax Grocery Store
Columbus Memorial Monument
Comite Patriotico Mexicano (Mexican Patriotic Committee), Mexican Independence Day
Commercial Avenue
Commercial Avenue at 93rd Street
Commercial Meat Market
Community Youth Day, children dancing
Community Youth Day, dance contest
Community Youth Day, fashion models
Community Youth Day, gymnastics
Community Youth Day, moonwalk
Community Youth Day, paintings
Community Youth Day Parade, color guard
Community Youth Day Parade, marching band
Community Youth Day Parade Queen
Community Youth Day, stage
Community Youth Day, Stony Island Park
Community Youth Day, woodcrafts
Cordero’s Radio Shop, 3315 East 89th Street
Crowd for “E” Award presentation at South Works
Crowd in line for “Open House”
Cutting from last I-beam, USX (US Steel – South Works)
CVS Vocational Day
Dancers at South Chicago Community Center’s 1st Annual Meeting
Dancers for Mexican Independence Day Parade
Danger sign at South Works
Drazba family home movies Reel A
Drazba family home movies Reel B
East 92nd Street
East Side and Calumet River
Ed Sadlowski and father
Ed Sadlowski and South Works
Ed Sadlowski campaign headquarters
Ed Sadlowski talking with steelworkers
E.J.E. Railroad Round House at U.S. Steel, South Works
Evangelical Church
Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church
Family at 9034 Houston Avenue
First Cana Conference at Our Lady of Guadalupe
First Holy Communion certificate
First Presbyterian Church
Frank and Lottie Dolatowski in Dolatowski Store
Friends in front of Zwaizdalski’s Drug Store
Gayety Theatre on 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue
Gayety Theatre, showing Spanish language movies
German Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Church
Goldblatt Bros. Store
Goldblatt’s Reopening
Grain elevator fire
Greetings from South Chicago, Illinois
Group at Local 65
Group of nuns
Group of women with holiday stockings
Group outside Y.M.C.A. building
Harbor entrance, South Chicago
Harry Pacini with woman in wheelchair
Helen and Eric Brokop oral history interview
Helen Preston contact sheet
Henry Dolatowski
Herman Galla and his horse-drawn milk wagon
Highlight reel of Mendoza family events
Horseback riders in South Chicago parade
ID badge of P. Martinez, South Works
Illinois Steel baseball team
Illinois Steel baseball team on playing field
Illinois Steel Company
Illinois Steel Company $1000 bond
Illinois Steel Company harbor
Illinois Steel Company, Office Building
Illinois Steel Company’s Works
Illinois Steel Mills, South Works at night
Illinois Steel Plant
Illinois Steel Works
Image of Mouth of Calumet River labelled “South Chicago in 1870”
Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception Church Communion Class
Information board at South Works
James Johnston’s Paint Store
J.N. Thorp School
John Czaplewski’s Bar
Justino Cordero and Mexican Independence Day Queen
Kinney’s Marble Rail Bar
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich welding
La Superior Tortilla Place
La Superior Tortilla Place, 3221 East 91st Street
Lake Michigan beach, south of 76th Street
“Last Days of South Works,” by Big Joe Jenczmionka
Latones Club, Bowen High School
Leonard Findeisen Leading Horse Sam to pull up Oro boat along Calumet River with ships in background
Letter in Croatian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in English to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Hungarian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Polish to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Lincoln Building
Local 65 car
Local 65 Christmas party
Local 65 kitchen and cooks
Local 65 meeting
Local 65 Old Timers Mushroom Hunt Party
Local 65 parade float
Local 65 President Alice Peurala speaking at “Stop Sex Discrimination” Rally
Local 65 Rally at U.S. Steel-South Works protesting sex discrimination
Local 65 rally at U.S. Steel-South Works protesting sex discrimination and unhygienic conditions
Local 65 steelworkers social gathering
Local 65 strikers picket outside South Works entrance
Local 65 strikers put hands together
Louis Aguilar boxing
Louis Guadarrama Jr. oral history interview
Lupe Vera’s Orchestra
Main Street
Man working in tool shop
Marcella Kitching, Local 65
Maria and Herculano Cervantes
Marino Bardelli behind counter
Mary Quiroz outside house
Masonic Hall, South Chicago
Mayas A.C. Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team and directors
Mayas basketball team, 1932-1933 champions
Mayas softball team, 1937 champions
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago, Bessemer Park
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago players
Mayas Sports Club softball team
Memorial Day Massacre funeral services advertisement
Men playing cards
Men playing checkers during strike
Mendoza family gatherings and Loncar Tavern
Mexican Congregational Church of South Chicago basketball team
Mexican Independence Day Parade, 91st Street
Mexican Independence Day Parade float
Mexican Independence Day Parade float, 92nd Street
Mexican Independence Day Parade Queen, Mexican Patriotic Club
Mexican Independence Day Parade, South Chicago, 1939
Mexican Independence Day Parade with children in pick-up truck
Military celebration at South Works
Military celebration with Sons of the American Legion marching band
Military members and nurses with flags
Mill fireman pulling hose off fire wagon
Mr. and Mrs. Justino Cordero, wedding
Newspaper stand outside 89th Street gate, U.S. Steel, South Works
Offrenda at Steelworkers Park
Olejnik children in military costumes
Olejnik children on World War II paper drive
Oral History with David Ventura
Oral History with Francisco Ramos
Oral History with Gilbert Garcia
Ore Bridges, Illinois Steel Mills
Othello Group rehearsing
Our Lady of Guadalupe, blessing corner stone
Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrating laying cornerstone of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church altar
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church building
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, National Shrine of St. Jude
Our Lady of Guadalupe Dedication and Blessing program
Our Lady of Guadalupe dedication ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe ground breaking ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class of 1931
Our Lady of Guadalupe mass and celebration of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen and Mother of all Mexicans
Our Lady of Guadalupe school addition ground breaking ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe Young Ladies Sodality Society
Parade celebrating cornerstone installation for new Our Lady of Guadalupe church
Patricia Rodriguez, Pan-Am Parade Queen
Patriotic event at steel plant
Petcoke sample
Phil Sheridan basketball game at Our Lady of Guadalupe Youth Center
Phil Sheridan Public School
Photo of Alice Peurala, President of Local 65, with sign behind her reading “Keep South Works Open.”
Photo of film interview with members of Teatro del Barrio
Photo of women making music at Local 65 rally to protest women’s locker room conditions
Picket line outside Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, South Works gate
Picketers at 88th Street gate
Polish dancers in South Chicago Bicentennial Parade
Polish wedding party on 88th and Escanaba
Polka Home Style Sausage Store
Polonia Publishing Company advertisment
Pool Room, 3221 East 91st Street
Portrait of Justino Cordero
Postcard of Crib Fire site
Postcard of funeral procession for crib fire victims
Postcard of the National Shrine of St. Jude
Source: Claretian Missionaries Archives
Priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe blessing motorcycles
Quinceañera at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Raclaws baseball team, Russell Square Park Champions
Red Cross Volunteers
Redecorating old St. Mary Magdalene Church
Republic steelworkers at union meeting
Roberta Wood oral history interview
Rolling Mill foreman “Wild Bill” Watkins at U.S. Steel, South Works
Rudolfo Serna oral history interview
Russ W. and John Small, Maintenance Foreman, in shop at U.S. Steel, South Works
Russ W., CC Motor Inspector, in Motor Control Center (MCC), U.S. Steel, South Works
S. Lederer Co. Department Store
S.A. Livingston Horse Shoe Store
Sacred Heart Croatian Church
Sadlowski family
Serving coffee to men on picket line
Sidewalk sale on Commercial Avenue
South Chicago
South Chicago Chamber of Commerce 50th Anniversary Banquet
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses and kitchen crew
South Chicago Community Hospital operating room
South Chicago Community Hospital, School of Nursing, Class of 1977
South Chicago Congregational Church
South Chicago factory district
South Chicago Fire Company
South Chicago football team
South Chicago High School
South Chicago High School basketball team
South Chicago Hospital
South Chicago Hotel
South Chicago lake
South Chicago Masonic Temple
South Chicago Plant of Illinois Steel Company
South Chicago Post Office
South Chicago sidewalk scene
South Chicago Sports Club, Mayas A.C. baseball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A.
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. basketball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. office
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. War Garden
South slip extension, Illinois Steel Company, South Works
South slip, Illinois Steel Company, South Works
South Works “Open House” advertisement
South Works Ambulance
South Works at night
South Works charging floors
South Works Department of Labor employees with mill police
South Works employee badge of A.T. Curry
South Works employee badge of James P. Fitzgibbons
South Works employees
South Works Fire brigade dousing fire
South Works Fire Department
South Works hard hat
South Works, Illinois Steel Company
South Works parade floats
South Works Police Force in Formation
South Works Rail Mill crew
South Works, Steelworkers Organizing Committee
Southeast Chicago industry with river
Southeast Chicago Telephone Office
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel South Works
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel-South Works
Spectators at Mexican Independence Day Parade
St. Florian’s Lodge #44, K.S.K.J.
St. Jude Holy Communion Class of 1933
St. Jude’s National Shrine dedication anniversary program
St. Michael’s Cathedral
St. Patrick’s School, 4th Grade Class
Steamer William E. Corey and Chicago Ship Building Company
Steelmaking crane with worker
Steelworker in hot foundry room
Steelworker in the mill
Steelworker on the job
Steelworker outside mill
Steelworker with blueprint
Steelworker with gas blowing engines
Steelworker working on a machine
Steelworkers in hot foundry room
Steelworkers in steel beam room
Steelworkers Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich and Florence Joseph in Mill
Steelworkers on Break
Steelworkers outside South Works gatehouse
Steelworkers picket, Local 65
Steelworkers picketing at South Works
Steelworkers wives in the kitchen at Local 65
Steve Norguard on Commercial Avenue
Steve Pacini and newspaper vendor in front of Pacini’s Candy-Cigar Store
Sts. Peter and Paul dedication
Sts Peter and Paul Parochial School Class of 1882
Students outside St. Peter and Paul School
Sundodgers baseball team
Switchboard operators at US Steel
Teatro del Barrio member
Teatro del Barrio members hold posters with “VIVA LA RAZA”
Teatro del Barrio performance
Teenage girls band
The Legend of Joe Cook, Union and Community Organizer
The Red Cross Mothers of St. Mary Magdalene Church
Tom Shanley, craneman at the Bessemer Department
Tony and Vincenta Bravo
Tool shop worker
Two men playing checkers, Local 65 Strike
Two workers and “DANGER” sign in multiple languages
United States Steel Foundation donation to Y.M.C.A.
U.S. Geological Survey Illinois-Indiana Calumet Quadrangle Map
U.S. Navy Sailor pins “E” Award button on office worker’s shirt
U.S. Steel – Alloy Bar Department
U.S. Steel employees
U.S. Steel, South Works, 89th St gate
U.S. Steel, South Works, 89th Street gate w/ chain
U.S. Steel, South Works, 89th Street gate w/ elevated stairs
U.S. Steel, South Works, CC Rolling Mill control pulpit
U.S. Steel, South Works entrance at 81st and Brandon
U.S. Steel women’s bowling team
U.S. Steel Workers gathering at Marquette Garden
U.S. Steel workers on street corner
U.S. Steelworkers election
U.S. Steelworkers gathering at Marquette Garden
U.S. Steelworkers in line for election
U.S. Steelworkers picketing
U.S. Steelworkers’ in line for election
USX (US Steel – South Works) closing panel discussion
Valadez brothers at Southeast Chicago Historical Museum
Valadez family at South Works
Vaudette Theatre advertisement
Veterans commemoration services, South Deering post
Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Mural
Vietnam War memorial dog tag display
Views from South Chicago, Illinois
Warren School baseball team
Warren School event
William A. Field
Windy City Wheelers of Arabic Temple #44
Woman and child at Community Youth Day
Woman at Local 65 rally with sign “Fleas are an Added Benefit at USS”
Woman speaking to Local 65 rally to protest conditions of women’s locker rooms
Women at “Stop Sex Discrimination” Rally at U.S. Steel-South Works
Women at Local 65 Rally with Sign “Defend Our Basic Rights”
Women moving bricks at South Works
Women workers at South Works
Women workers on railroad tracks
Women working at desks in South Works office
Work sign in multiple languages at South Works
Worker on railroad track
Worker on steel beams
Worker piling wood beams
Worker updating safety bulletin board at Interstate Grand Crossing Iron and Steel Company
Worker wearing protective net mask
Workers in machine shop
Workers on the job at South Works
Workers shoveling gravel into wheelbarrows
Workers sitting outside Administration building
Workers with wheelbarrows
World War II cartoon
Yaquis baseball team
Y.M.C.A. Building Campaign, 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue
Youth group at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church