422 resource matches
100th Street, South Deering
106th Street Bridge tender and card sharks
20th Anniversary Banquet, South Chicago Y.M.C.A.
92nd Street Bridge
Admiral Evers presenting Navy “E” Awards to South Works
Advertisement, Halloween Dance, Comite Patriotico Mexicano
Air raid warden
American Serbian Vets skit
Andrew Ringman biography
Anna and Hannah with guns
Autographed softball, 1949 City Championship
Avenue H and 99th Street
Band at Neighborhood House Street Fair
Barber trimming child’s hair at Flowers Barbershop
Bardelli family in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bardelli sisters in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Baseball team
Bell and Howell movie camera
Bessemer Park swimming pool
Bessemer Park Volleyball Champions
Bessemer Park volleyball team
Bethlehem Lutheran Church fire
Blast Furnace Orchestra
Boat “Oro” near 106th Street Bridge
Bocce players
Bonivirs football game at Indiana State Prison
Borozan family picnic in Calumet Park
Bowen Class of 1880
Bowen High School
Bowen High School football game
Bowen High School under construction
Bowen School
Bowen School Class of 1880
Bowling team
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Claretian Missionaries Archives
Boxcar camp, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Boxcar camp WIRR, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Boxers including Louis Aguilar holding trophies
Boxing match at South Deering Pleasure and Athletic Club
Boys boxing at South Chicago YMCA
Boys choir, South Chicago YMCA
Boys outside South Works Administration Building
Boys’ Alliance Club, So. Chicago Y.M.C.A.
Brody’s Clothing Store
Calumet Beach
Calumet Park beach
Car race at Roby Race Track
Carl Luefke with dog Modacxs
Cast of “Krakowski Wesele” at St. Bronislava Church
Source: Book “Mexican Chicago”
Ceremonial move from original Our Lady of Guadalupe church building to new one
Ceremony at Sacred Heart Church construction site
Certificate of Naturalization for Carmen Martinez Arias
C.G. Osterberg and Son coal yard and truck
Championship baseball game at Russell Square Park
Chester Linden funeral
Chicago Steel and Wire carnival
Chicago Vocational School vs South Shore High School basketball game
Child at Community Youth Day
Child in yard with South Chicago streetcar in background
Children at Sunday school picnic
Children dancers in Mexican Independence Day Parade
Children dancing in Mexican Independence Day Parade
Children from St. Michael’s Church at Camp Lange
Children from St. Michael’s Church on road to Camp Lange
Children in alley
Children in clerical costumes
Children in Halloween costumes at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Children outside Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Children painting SCOPE mural
Children play in Lake Michigan
Children wearing costumes
Children’s choir at Saints Peter and Paul Church Centennial
Chor Wolnosc
Church Kolo
Church Kolo banquet
Church with nativity scene inset
Circus parade on 92nd Street
Civil Defense Parade on Commercial Avenue
Clarence and Pat near steel mill
Closing Ceremonies, Y.M.C.A. English Classes
Comite Patriotico Mexicano (Mexican Patriotic Committee), Mexican Independence Day
Commercial Avenue
Community Youth Day, children dancing
Community Youth Day, dance contest
Community Youth Day, fashion models
Community Youth Day, gymnastics
Community Youth Day, moonwalk
Community Youth Day, paintings
Community Youth Day Parade, color guard
Community Youth Day Parade, marching band
Community Youth Day Parade Queen
Community Youth Day, stage
Community Youth Day, Stony Island Park
Community Youth Day, woodcrafts
Copies of marriage certificates in St. Francis De Sales Parish records
Copy of Hegewisch Herald newspaper with headline “Red Alert: Airport Looms as Southeast Siders say Thanks but No Thanks” about proposed Lake Calumet airport plan
Couple at beach
Couples near train
Cow in backyard in South Deering, 1926
Croatian Sokol Club, Hrvatski Sokol
Crosley shortwave radio
Crowd around hot air balloon in Calumet Park
Crowd in line for “Open House”
Cummings School 5th Grade Class
CVS Vocational Day
Dance class at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Dancers at South Chicago Community Center’s 1st Annual Meeting
Dancers for Mexican Independence Day Parade
Dentist pulling patient’s tooth
Doctor’s bag
Dorine Godinez and companion on Labor Day parade float for Local 1010 and SOAR
Dr. Walter Titzel’s operating room
E. Findeisen with horse Sam
East Side Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting 1985
East Side Fire Department
East Side Maroon A.C. truck
East Side winter
Ernst Findeisen with horse Sam, 1913
Evangelical Church
Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church
Examination of Title, South Chicago
Family in backyard
Farmers and children with horse-drawn equipment
Film of East Side Lions Club events and Jay Gould Circus
Findeisen Family Plasterers
First Cana Conference at Our Lady of Guadalupe
First Congregational Church
First Holy Communion certificate
First Presbyterian Church
Five men doing handstands
Fourth of July Parade across from Wisconsin Steel, 1938
Gallistel School
Gayety Theatre on 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue
German Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Church
Gerry Jolly and Steve Borozan wedding
Girl in pageant with Statue of Liberty doll
Girls on carousel horses at St. Columba carnival
Girls outside Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Great-Aunt Jenny’s boarding house
Group of cyclists
Group of nuns
Group of women
Group of women at construction site
Group of women with holiday stockings
Group outside Y.M.C.A. building
Gymnast at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Halloween costume party
Hans Findeisen, plasterer
Hans Findeisen, Red, and two women on Nelson’s tower
Harry Pacini at Chicago White Sox game
Hegewisch Community Committee brochure
Hegewisch News Headline “Landfill Protestors Arrested at Gathering” regarding CID Landfill
Helen and Eric Brokop oral history interview
Henry Garcia and Yolanda Garcia Karela oral history interview
Henry Martinez oral history interview
Herman Galla and his horse-drawn milk wagon
High chair
Highlight reel of Mendoza family events
Holy Name Society
Holy Name Society, St. George Slovenian Church
Home movies of East Side Labor Day Parade and Bocce Ball Tournament, Sept. 1, 1985.
Hopkinson’s Store
Horseback riders in South Chicago parade
Illinois Steel baseball team
Illinois Steel baseball team on playing field
Image of Mouth of Calumet River labelled “South Chicago in 1870”
Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception Church Communion Class
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Society at St. George’s Church
Italian Soldier, Pacini family
Jay Gould Circus free ticket
Jerry on Calumet Beach by 101st Street pier
J.N. Thorp School
Joe Brudski near woodpile
John and Eunice Leo wedding
John Czajka WWI diary
John Patton, Mayor of Burnham, on horse-drawn carriage
Jolly children holding kittens
Justino Cordero and Mexican Independence Day Queen
La Superior Tortilla Place
La Superior Tortilla Place, 3221 East 91st Street
Latin American Fraternal Society of South Chicago
Latin American Social Athletic Club
Latones Club, Bowen High School
Leonard Findeisen Leading Horse Sam to pull up Oro boat along Calumet River with ships in background
Lewis, Kosak, Vollman, and company
Lida Milano
Linden family at Calumet Park beach
Linus Findeisen diving into Calumet River
Local 1033 display, panel 14
Local 65 Christmas party
Local 65 Old Timers Mushroom Hunt Party
Local 65 parade float
Local 65 steelworkers social gathering
Louis Aguilar boxing
Louis Guadarrama Jr. oral history interview
Lupe Vera’s Orchestra
Lydia Trevino, Samuel Trevino and Margaret Gomez oral history interview
Lyman Trumbull Park Dedication program
Lyman Trumbull Park Dedication Service program
Man holding pheasant being reared by Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
Man in garden with chickens
Marcella Kitching, Local 65
Mariachi musicians in park
Market Day at 106th Street
Marsh School
Martha Martinez
Martinez family in Mexico
Martinez family oral history interview
Martinez women in front of St. Kevin’s Church
Mary Grace Santelli Holechko oral history interview
Mary Sertich midwife journal
Mayas A.C. Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team and directors
Mayas basketball team, 1932-1933 champions
Mayas softball team, 1937 champions
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago, Bessemer Park
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago players
Mayas Sports Club softball team
Men holding string of fish
Men on “Submarine” boat
Men playing cards
Men with car in alley
Mendoza family gatherings and Loncar Tavern
Mexican Congregational Church of South Chicago basketball team
Mexican Independence Day Parade, 91st Street
Mexican Independence Day Parade float
Mexican Independence Day Parade float, 92nd Street
Mexican Independence Day Parade Queen, Mexican Patriotic Club
Mexican Independence Day Parade, South Chicago, 1939
Mexican Independence Day Parade with children in pick-up truck
Milano children at first Holy Communion
Milano family
Milano’s Grocery Store
Mildred Barnay, Walter Maloney, Augie Ruf, and Alex Savastano oral history interview
Minnie Neubieser Lightfoot oral history
Mitchell Spears Jr. oral history interview
Mr. Schingle in backyard with chickens at 10645 Ave O on East Side
Ogniwo at Marquette Gardens
Oral history with Diane Krajl
Othello Group rehearsing
Our Lady of Guadalupe, blessing corner stone
Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrating laying cornerstone of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church altar
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church building
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, National Shrine of St. Jude
Our Lady of Guadalupe Dedication and Blessing program
Our Lady of Guadalupe dedication ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe ground breaking ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class of 1931
Our Lady of Guadalupe mass and celebration of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen and Mother of all Mexicans
Our Lady of Guadalupe school addition ground breaking ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe Young Ladies Sodality Society
Parade celebrating cornerstone installation for new Our Lady of Guadalupe church
Patricia Rodriguez, Pan-Am Parade Queen
Patriotic event at steel plant
Peggy Salazar oral history interview
Phil Sheridan basketball game at Our Lady of Guadalupe Youth Center
Phil Sheridan Public School
Photo “Good Catch” of Schupp child posed with fish along Calumet River, 1914
Photo of film interview with members of Teatro del Barrio
Photo of Hegewisch residents protesting Lake Calumet airport proposal
Photo of hunters from Southeast Sportsmen’s Club holding two foxes after a hunt
Photo of hunters in boat with ducks and row boats on Wolf Lake
Photo of Southeast Sportsmen Clubhouse on Wolf Lake with handwritten labels
Photograph of Mud Hen Hunters
Plans of Wolf Lake State Park
Polaroid camera
Polish dancers in South Chicago Bicentennial Parade
Polish family Christmas
Polish organization 25th Anniversary banquet
Polish wedding party on 88th and Escanaba
Polonia Publishing Company advertisment
Pool Room, 3221 East 91st Street
Popovich Brothers and Pete Mistovich band
Postcard of German military gunners on a zeppelin
Postcard of the National Shrine of St. Jude
Priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe blessing motorcycles
Priests on beach at Camp Lange
Quinceañera at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Raclaws baseball team, Russell Square Park Champions
Railroad tracks at Arizona and Hegewisch dividing line
Raymond “Archie” Arsenault oral history interview
Redecorating old St. Mary Magdalene Church
Regina Margherita Social Club
Robert H. Bork oral history interview, tape one
Robert H. Bork oral history interview, tape three
Robert’s race car
Roby Racetrack starting line
Rowboat near a ship and Federal Furnace
Rudolfo Serna oral history interview
Sacred Heart Croatian Church
Sacred Heart Croatian Tamburitza and Kolo Group banner
Sacred Heart Graduation Class of 1930
Santa Milano farming near Lake Calumet
Santa Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Scrapbook photos of hot air balloon and boats at Calumet Park
Serbian Kola Dancers of St. Michael Archangel Church
Serbian New Year’s Eve celebration
Serbian play
Serbian Sisters cookbook
Sidewalk sale on Commercial Avenue
Sign for Southeast Sportsmen’s Club Pheasant Brooder Pens
Sign on wooden stick reading “Climate Can’t Wait” from petcoke protest
Sokol Social and Athletic Club history
South Chicago Chamber of Commerce 50th Anniversary Banquet
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses and kitchen crew
South Chicago Community Hospital operating room
South Chicago Community Hospital, School of Nursing, Class of 1977
South Chicago Congregational Church
South Chicago Fire Company
South Chicago football team
South Chicago High School
South Chicago High School basketball team
South Chicago sidewalk scene
South Chicago Sports Club, Mayas A.C. baseball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. basketball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. Camp
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. office
South Works “Open House” advertisement
South Works parade floats
Southeast Chicago mural
Southeast Sportmen’s Club hunters
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club building dedication program
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club hunting parade float with Republic blast furnace behind
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club parade float
Spectators at Mexican Independence Day Parade
Sportsman releasing birds
St. Archangel Michael Church Serbian Eaglettes women’s basketball team
St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church parishioners and Serbian volunteers
St. Florian School, first graduating class
St. Florian’s Lodge #44, K.S.K.J.
St. Florian’s School, 8th Grade Class
St. Francis De Sales Church
St. Francis DeSales High School cheerleader sweater
St. Jude Holy Communion Class of 1933
St. Jude’s National Shrine dedication anniversary program
St. Kevin’s Church
St. Michael’s Cathedral
St. Patrick’s Graduation Class, 1925
St. Patrick’s School, 4th Grade Class
Steelworkers wives in the kitchen at Local 65
Steve Norguard on Commercial Avenue
Sts. Peter and Paul dedication
Sts Peter and Paul Parochial School Class of 1882
Students outside St. Peter and Paul School
Sundodgers baseball team
Swedish Lutheran Church
Sylvia and Luis Garza oral history interview
T shirt saying with “Dump Daley” referencing conflict with Mayor over Lake Calumet airport proposal
Tap dancer
Tavern, 3532 East 95th Street
Taylor School, South Chicago
Teatro del Barrio member
Teatro del Barrio members hold posters with “VIVA LA RAZA”
Teatro del Barrio performance
Teenage girls band
The Daily Calumet masthead
The Legend of Joe Cook, Union and Community Organizer
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club displaying fish
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club releasing birds
Three girls carrying food baskets
Tia Santos Cervantez and her children
Tia Santos Cervantez with woman leaning on car
United Brewery delivery wagon
United States Steel Foundation donation to Y.M.C.A.
U.S. Steel women’s bowling team
U.S. Steelworkers in line for election
U.S. Steelworkers’ in line for election
Valentino Milano playing concertina
Valentino Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Vaudette Theatre advertisement
Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Mural
Warren School baseball team
Warren School event
Wedding of Joseph and Joanne Vukobratovich
Western Steel Car and Foundry on Armistice Day
Windy City Wheelers of Arabic Temple #44
Wisconsin Steel dumping slag
Woman and child at Community Youth Day
Woman sitting on trunk near Pennsylvania Depot
Women hold banner for USWA District 31 Women’s Caucus at ERA rally in downtown Chicago
Women Steelworkers from Local 1033 (Republic Steel) rally to support Equal Rights Amendment in downtown Chicago
Women swimming at Calumet Beach
Wooden cross
Work sign in multiple languages at South Works
Wrapped in Steel filming
Yaquis baseball team
Y.M.C.A. Building Campaign, 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue
Youth group at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church