95 resource matches
“Citizens” by Meyer Levin
“Eastland” wreck
Bethlehem Lutheran Church fire
Boot Straps: The Autobiography of Tom M. Girdler
Copy of Hegewisch Herald newspaper with headline “Red Alert: Airport Looms as Southeast Siders say Thanks but No Thanks” about proposed Lake Calumet airport plan
Eastland porthole
Elevator Fire, Chicago
Emil Badornac oral history interview
First picket line at Republic Steel gate
Funeral procession after Iroquois Theater Fire
George Patterson oral history interview
Geraldine Borozan oral history interview
Grain elevator fire
Grain elevator fire at 102nd and Calumet River
Grain elevator fire at 102nd Street and Calumet River
Hearings before La Follette Civil Liberties Committee
Letter to Republic Steel employees from Tom M. Girdler
Local 1033 display, panel 10
Local 1033 display, panel 11.5
Local 1033 display, panel 12
Local 1033 display, panel 13
Local 1033 display, panel 14
Local 1033 display, panel 16
Local 1033 display, panel 17
Local 1033 display, panel 28
Local 1033 display, panel 29
Local 1033 display, panel 9
Martin Luther King, Jr. and civil rights demonstrators on Ewing Avenue
Mary Grace Santelli Holechko oral history interview
Memorial Day Massacre 70th Anniversary Commemoration
Memorial Day Massacre Commemoration
Memorial Day Massacre Commemoration, Jesse Jackson speaker
Memorial Day Massacre Commemoration video
Memorial Day Massacre death certificates
Memorial Day Massacre funeral services advertisement
Memorial Day Massacre funerals and one year commemoration
Memorial Day Massacre scrapbook of Gerry Jolly Borozan
Memorial Day Steelworker Strike
Mollie West oral history interview
National Malting Company fire
Newspaper clipping about Memorial Day Massacre protest
Photo of Hegewisch residents protesting Lake Calumet airport proposal
Photo of mural in Calumet Park fieldhouse of Native Americans in the Calumet region
Picketers rush to Republic Steel strikers on ground
Picketing steelworkers outside Anton’s Tavern
Police and strikers carry victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol car
Police block Republic Steel strikers’ path
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol car
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol wagon
Police hit Republic Steel strikers with batons
Police load victims of Memorial Day Massacre into patrol wagon
Police shoot at Republic Steel strikers
Policeman raises baton over Republic Steel striker on ground
Policeman strikes Republic Steel striker with baton
Postcard of Crib Fire site
Postcard of funeral procession for crib fire victims
Racial Terror at Trumbull Park, Chicago
Railroad accident
Railroad accident at 102nd Street
Remember Memorial Day commemoration booklet
Republic Steel strike, police injure strikers
Republic Steel workers picketing
Republic Strike victim Hilding Anderson examined by Dr. L.H. Turek
Sam Evett oral history interview
Sam’s Place, Republic Steel strike headquarters
Standard Oil fire
Strikers carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre
T shirt saying with “Dump Daley” referencing conflict with Mayor over Lake Calumet airport proposal
The Legend of Joe Cook, Union and Community Organizer
Trumbull Park Homes under construction
Trumbull Park Housing Project
Trumbull Park novel
Trumbull Park Riots headline in The Daily Calumet, 1953
Union members and families march to picket at Republic Steel gate
United Steelworkers – Local 1010 calendar
Victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Victims of Memorial Day Massacre on ground surrounded by police
Weapons invoices from Federal Laboratories, Inc. to Republic Steel Company
Weapons invoices from Federal Laboratories, Inc. to Union Drawn Steel Company
Western Steel Car and Foundry on Armistice Day
Woman running near fallen Republic Steel strikers