72 resource matches
“The Harvester,” ship at Wisconsin Steel
92nd Street Bridge
95th Street Bridge
95th Street Bridge Grand Opening
Aerial helicopter footage of Southeast Chicago.
Aerial photo of Calumet Cluster Superfund Site, 2009
Aerial photo of Lake Calumet, 1946
Aerial photo of Lake Calumet, 2009
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Field Museum
Bird Specimen from Wolf and Hyde Lakes
Borozan family house on Burley Avenue during flood
Brook Silverside Fish, Wolf Lake, 1898
Drone aerial footage of snow and industry near Hegewisch Marsh in Southeast Chicago
East Side and Calumet River
Garter snake specimen, Wolf Lake
Giant Goldenrod Plant (Solidago Gigantea Ait.)
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, Pile Driver No. 81
Greetings from South Chicago, Illinois
Harbor entrance, South Chicago
Horses pulling boat out of water
Ice cutting on Wolf Lake
Image of Mouth of Calumet River labelled “South Chicago in 1870”
Inland Steel boat “Wilfred Sykes” in harbor at night
Iroquois Iron Company
Iroquois Iron Works at night
Joe Neubieser in front of “club house”
Joe Neubieser on boat at Wolf Lake
Joe Neubieser outside clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Knickerbocker Ice Company letterhead
Landfilling at Calumet Park
Large Leaf Pondweed Plant (Potemegaton Amplifolius)
Leonard Findeisen Leading Horse Sam to pull up Oro boat along Calumet River with ships in background
Linus Findeisen diving into Calumet River
Long view of two workers on South Works ore barge
Man holding pheasant being reared by Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
Map from report “Characterization of Fill Deposits in the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana and Northeastern Illinois,” US Geological Survey in cooperation with USEPA, 1996
Map of Calumet River and lakes
Men holding string of fish
Men on “Submarine” boat
Mildred Barnay, Walter Maloney, Augie Ruf, and Alex Savastano oral history interview
Northern Leopard Frog Specimen, Wolf Lake, IL, 1922
Petcoke sample
Photo “Good Catch” of Schupp child posed with fish along Calumet River, 1914
Photo of goat herd on Paxton II landfill
Photo of hunters in boat with ducks and row boats on Wolf Lake
Photo of Southeast Sportsmen Clubhouse on Wolf Lake with handwritten labels
Photograph of Mud Hen Hunters
Plans of Wolf Lake State Park
Plant specimen Creeping Thistle, Wolf Lake
Plant specimen White-tinged Sedge, Wolf Lake, 1892
Postcard of Crib Fire site
Robert and Lucille Koche oral history interview
Rowboat near a ship and Federal Furnace
Side view of “Oro” boat
Sign for Southeast Sportsmen’s Club Pheasant Brooder Pens
South Chicago factory district
South Chicago lake
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club building dedication program
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club hunting parade float with Republic blast furnace behind
Steel Works at night
Streetcar tracks over Hyde Lake
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club displaying fish
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club releasing birds
Turtle hanging from rope
Underwater diver on dock
Unloading Iron Ore at Republic Steel dock on Calumet River
U.S. Geological Survey Illinois-Indiana Calumet Quadrangle Map
Water Smartweed plant (amphibium emersum)
Wolf Lake boat landing