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Aerial photo of Waste Management CID Landfill
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Source: Field Museum
Bird Specimen from Wolf and Hyde Lakes
Brook Silverside Fish, Wolf Lake, 1898
Examination of Title, South Chicago
Farmers and children with horse-drawn equipment
Fred, Ed, and Joe Neubieser by clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Fred Neubieser with horses at Wolf Lake
Garter snake specimen, Wolf Lake
Horse-drawn carts in front of barn
House at Wolf Lake
Joe Neubieser in front of “club house”
Joe Neubieser with bee hives
Landfilling at Calumet Park
Louie Neubieser collecting trash
Louie Neubieser making hay for horses
Man and child sit outdoors
Man with cow
Man with two steer
Minnie Neubieser Lightfoot oral history
Neubieser home at Wolf Lake
Northern Leopard Frog Specimen, Wolf Lake, IL, 1922
Plant specimen Creeping Thistle, Wolf Lake
Plant specimen White-tinged Sedge, Wolf Lake, 1892
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club building dedication program
Woman and children on bridge
Woman feeding chickens
Woman in field
Women and children with corn plants
Women holding corn
Women sitting near Wolf Lake