247 resource matches
106th Street Bridge tender and card sharks
“Eastland” wreck
“Making Steel and Killing Men”
“Safety First” logo
92nd Street
92nd Street Bridge
95th Street Bridge
99th Street and Ewing Avenue
Alarm box
Alley between Brandon and Burley Avenues
Anna and Hannah with guns
Artillery shells at Western Steel Car Company
Avenue G and 100th Street
Avenue H and 99th Street
Baseball team
Bessemer Park
Bessemer Park Volleyball Champions
Bessemer Park volleyball team
Bethlehem Lutheran Church fire
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Field Museum
Bird Specimen from Wolf and Hyde Lakes
Boat “Manta” launching
Boat “Oro” near 106th Street Bridge
Boats “Manta” and “W.L. Mercereau”
Bohling’s Grocery and Market
Bongress shoes and jean pants for foundrymen
Bowen High School
Bowen High School under construction
Boxing match at South Deering Pleasure and Athletic Club
Brooks Field airplane with pilot
Calumet National Bank
Calumet Park boardwalk
Calumet Studio
Calumet Theatre
Calumet Theatre and Columbus Statue
Car race at Roby Race Track
Carl Luefke with dog Modacxs
Ceremony at Sacred Heart Church construction site
C.G. Osterberg and Son horse-drawn sprinkling wagon
Changing hot metal tracks at South Works
Chester Linden funeral
Chicago Shipbuilding Company, Punching Shop
Chicago Shipbuilding Company yards
Children at Sunday school picnic
Children in alley
Children on scrap-metal drive during World War I
Circus parade on 92nd Street
Closing Ceremonies, Y.M.C.A. English Classes
Columbus Memorial Monument
Commercial Avenue
Commercial Avenue at 93rd Street
Couple at beach
Couples near train
Crowd around hot air balloon in Calumet Park
Crowds watch as steamer “Kordal” is ready to leave shipyards
Dry dock gate at shipyard
E. Findeisen with horse Sam
East Side and Calumet River
East Side Maroon A.C. truck
East Side winter
Eastland porthole
Ed Neubieser and friends
Elevator Fire, Chicago
Embroidered WWI Postcard from John E. Middleton
Employee modeling protective face mask
Ernst Findeisen with horse Sam, 1913
Evangelical Church
Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church
Exchange Avenue
Exhibit of the Illinois Steel Company in the American Museum of Safety
Family and car at Wolf Lake
Family in backyard
Findeisen and Lewis families in garden
Findeisen Family Plasterers
Findeisen family reunion
First Congregational Church
First Presbyterian Church
Flat iron
Frank Kalwasinski during WWI
Funeral procession after Iroquois Theater Fire
Gallistel School
George Willy Hardware
German Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Church
Grand Crossing Tack Company
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company workers on the job
Great-Aunt Jenny’s boarding house
Greetings from South Chicago, Illinois
Halloween costume party
Hans Findeisen, plasterer
Hans Findeisen, Red, and two women on Nelson’s tower
Harbor entrance, South Chicago
Hazebusch and Findeisen families on boat
Henry Dolatowski
Herman Galla and his horse-drawn milk wagon
Horses pulling boat out of water
Illinois Steel baseball team
Illinois Steel baseball team on playing field
Illinois Steel Company
Illinois Steel Company Employment Office
Illinois Steel Company harbor
Illinois Steel Company, Office Building
Illinois Steel Company’s Works
Illinois Steel Mills, South Works at night
Illinois Steel Plant
Illinois Steel Works
Immaculate Conception Church
Immaculate Conception Church Communion Class
Information board at South Works
Irondale Elevator
Irondale Elevator and cargo ship The Harvester
Iroquois Iron Company
Iroquois Steel
Iroquois Steel Mills at night
Iroquois Steel No. 1 Blast Furnace
J. Wolf in uniform
J.N. Thorp School
Joe Brudski near woodpile
John Czajka WWI diary
John Czaplewski’s Bar
John W. Spreitzer, United States Army, World War I
Ladies Stag Party
Ladle shield diagram
Lake Michigan beach, south of 76th Street
Large Leaf Pondweed Plant (Potemegaton Amplifolius)
Leonard Findeisen Leading Horse Sam to pull up Oro boat along Calumet River with ships in background
Letter in Croatian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in English to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Hungarian to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Letter in Polish to the employees of South Works from General Superintendent
Lewis, Kosak, Vollman, and company
Lighthouse and Illinois Steel Works
Lincoln Building
Linus Findeisen diving into Calumet River
Lyman Trumbull Park Dedication Service program
Main Street
Man in garden with chickens
Man wearing protective head gear
Man working in tool shop
Market Day at 106th Street
Men on “Submarine” boat
Men with car in alley
Milano family
Mill fireman pulling hose off fire wagon
Mr. Schingle in backyard with chickens at 10645 Ave O on East Side
National Malting Company fire
Ore boats laid up for winter
Ore Bridges, Illinois Steel Mills
Phil Sheridan Public School
Photo “Good Catch” of Schupp child posed with fish along Calumet River, 1914
Picnic, Pressed Steel Car Company workers
Plowing War Garden
Polish family Christmas
Portrait of Lena DeMarco
Postcard of Crib Fire site
Postcard of funeral procession for crib fire victims
Postcard of German military gunners on a zeppelin
Pressed Steel Car Company workers
Pressed Steel Car Company, World War I bond rally
Private John “Jack” E. Middleton
Rialto Elevator and Crescent Flour Mills
Robert and Lucille Koche oral history interview
Roby Racetrack starting line
Rowboat near a ship and Federal Furnace
S. Lederer Co. Department Store
Sacred Heart Croatian Church
Safety goggles
Scrapbook photos of hot air balloon and boats at Calumet Park
Ship Yards, South Chicago
Side view of “Oro” boat
Soldiers on motorcycle
South Chicago
South Chicago factory district
South Chicago Fire Company
South Chicago football team
South Chicago High School
South Chicago High School basketball team
South Chicago Hospital
South Chicago lake
South Chicago Masonic Temple
South Chicago Post Office
South Chicago Y.M.C.A.
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. War Garden
South slip extension, Illinois Steel Company, South Works
South slip, Illinois Steel Company, South Works
South Works Ambulance
South Works charging floors
South Works Department of Labor employees with mill police
South Works Fire brigade dousing fire
Southeast Chicago industry with river
Southeast Chicago Telephone Office
St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church parishioners and Serbian volunteers
St. Florian School, first graduating class
St. Francis De Sales Church
St. Michael’s Cathedral
Steamer William E. Corey and Chicago Ship Building Company
Steel Mills of Grand Crossing Tack Company
Steelmaking crane with worker
Steelworker with gas blowing engines
Steve Norguard on Commercial Avenue
Streetcar tracks over Hyde Lake
Students outside St. Peter and Paul School
Swedish Lutheran Church
Tavern, 3532 East 95th Street
Taylor School, South Chicago
The Red Cross Mothers of St. Mary Magdalene Church
Tool shop worker
Torrence Avenue and 106th Street
Turtle hanging from rope
Two workers and “DANGER” sign in multiple languages
Unloading ore at Wisconsin Steel Works
U.S. Geological Survey Illinois-Indiana Calumet Quadrangle Map
Views from South Chicago, Illinois
Water Smartweed plant (amphibium emersum)
Western Steel Car and Foundry Company workers
Western Steel Car and Foundry on Armistice Day
William A. Field
Wisconsin Steel Company
Woman dressed for making artillery shells
Woman sitting on trunk near Pennsylvania Depot
Women swimming at Calumet Beach
Worker on railroad track
Worker on steel beams
Worker piling wood beams
Workers in machine shop
Workers shoveling gravel into wheelbarrows
Workers sitting outside Administration building
Workers with wheelbarrows
WWI Bond Rally at Pressed Steel Car Company
WWI letter from John E. Middleton
WWI Military camp