144 resource matches
“Citizens” by Meyer Levin
Advertisements, South Chicago businesses, Cordero Radio Shop
Amelia and Elvera Morentin Covarruvias
Annie Neubieser’s driver’s license
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Claretian Missionaries Archives
Boxcar camp, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Boxcar camp WIRR, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Boys’ Alliance Club, So. Chicago Y.M.C.A.
Brokop family
Cannon in Hummel Square
Cast of “Krakowski Wesele” at St. Bronislava Church
Source: Book “Mexican Chicago”
Ceremonial move from original Our Lady of Guadalupe church building to new one
Championship baseball game at Russell Square Park
Chicago Ship Building Company, Dry Dock
Children’s shoes
Chor Wolnosc
Church Kolo
Church Kolo banquet
Commercial Meat Market
Cow in backyard in South Deering, 1926
Croatian Sokol Club, Hrvatski Sokol
Drawing of Acme/Interlake Steel By Products Tree 1932
East 92nd Street
First Holy Communion certificate
First picket line at Republic Steel gate
Fourth of July Parade across from Wisconsin Steel, 1938
Frances and George Jr. Baumann
Source: Field Museum
Garter snake specimen, Wolf Lake
Giant Goldenrod Plant (Solidago Gigantea Ait.)
Grain elevator fire at 102nd and Calumet River
Grain elevator fire at 102nd Street and Calumet River
Hearings before La Follette Civil Liberties Committee
Henry Dolatowski and grandfather Jack Stasiak
Holy Name Society
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Society at St. George’s Church
Jerry on Calumet Beach by 101st Street pier
Jolly children holding kittens
Kosak’s Bakery
Letter to Republic Steel employees from Tom M. Girdler
Lida Milano
Linden family
Linden family at Calumet Park beach
Local 1033 display, panel 11.5
Local 1033 display, panel 14
Local 1033 display, panel 28
Local 1033 display, panel 4
Lyman Trumbull Park Dedication program
Mary Sertich midwife journal
Mayas A.C. Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team and directors
Mayas basketball team, 1932-1933 champions
Mayas softball team, 1937 champions
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago, Bessemer Park
Mayas Sports Club softball team
Memorial Day Massacre Commemoration video
Memorial Day Massacre death certificates
Memorial Day Massacre funeral services advertisement
Memorial Day Massacre funerals and one year commemoration
Memorial Day Massacre scrapbook of Gerry Jolly Borozan
Memorial Day Steelworker Strike
Mexican Congregational Church of South Chicago basketball team
Mexican Independence Day Parade, South Chicago, 1939
Milano children at first Holy Communion
Milano’s Grocery Store
Mr. and Mrs. Justino Cordero, wedding
Mrs. Fredericka Konybisy with horse
Newspaper clipping about Memorial Day Massacre protest
Northern Leopard Frog Specimen, Wolf Lake, IL, 1922
Our Lady of Guadalupe, blessing corner stone
Our Lady of Guadalupe dedication ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe ground breaking ceremony
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class
Our Lady of Guadalupe Holy Communion Class of 1931
Parade celebrating cornerstone installation for new Our Lady of Guadalupe church
Photo of mural in Calumet Park fieldhouse of Native Americans in the Calumet region
Photo portrait of Harry Middleton
Photograph of Mud Hen Hunters
Picketers rush to Republic Steel strikers on ground
Picketing steelworkers outside Anton’s Tavern
Police and strikers carry victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol car
Police block Republic Steel strikers’ path
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol car
Police carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre toward patrol wagon
Police hit Republic Steel strikers with batons
Police load victims of Memorial Day Massacre into patrol wagon
Police shoot at Republic Steel strikers
Policeman raises baton over Republic Steel striker on ground
Policeman sleeping near picketing steelworkers outside Anton’s Tavern
Policeman strikes Republic Steel striker with baton
Polish organization 25th Anniversary banquet
Polish wedding party on 88th and Escanaba
Polonia Publishing Company advertisment
Popovich Brothers and Pete Mistovich band
Portrait of Justino Cordero
Progressive Steel Workers Union membership card
Raclaws baseball team, Russell Square Park Champions
Raymond “Archie” Arsenault oral history interview
Regina Margherita Social Club
Republic Steel strike, police injure strikers
Republic Steel workers picketing
Republic Strike victim Hilding Anderson examined by Dr. L.H. Turek
Sam’s Place, Republic Steel strike headquarters
Santa Milano farming near Lake Calumet
Santa Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
South Works, Steelworkers Organizing Committee
St. Archangel Michael Church Serbian Eaglettes women’s basketball team
St. Florian’s Lodge #44, K.S.K.J.
St. Jude Holy Communion Class of 1933
St. Patrick’s Graduation Class, 1925
Steel Columns, Vol. 2, No. 4
Steel Works at night
Steve Pacini and newspaper vendor in front of Pacini’s Candy-Cigar Store
Strikers carrying victim of Memorial Day Massacre
The Daily Calumet masthead
Tom Shanley, craneman at the Bessemer Department
Trumbull Park Homes under construction
Union members and families march to picket at Republic Steel gate
United Brewery delivery wagon
United Steelworkers – Local 1010 calendar
U.S. Steel women’s bowling team
Valentino Milano with tractor on farm near Lake Calumet
Victim of Memorial Day Massacre
Victims of Memorial Day Massacre on ground surrounded by police
Walter and Margaret Linden
Warren School baseball team
Weapons invoices from Federal Laboratories, Inc. to Republic Steel Company
Weapons invoices from Federal Laboratories, Inc. to Union Drawn Steel Company
Wisconsin Steel Works, blast furnace employees
Woman running near fallen Republic Steel strikers
Women working at desks in South Works office
Worker updating safety bulletin board at Interstate Grand Crossing Iron and Steel Company
Yaquis baseball team