75 resource matches
20th Anniversary Banquet, South Chicago Y.M.C.A.
“E” Award presentation at South Works
“The White Kitchen” restaurant
Admiral Evers presenting Navy “E” Awards to South Works
Aerial photo of Lake Calumet, 1946
Air raid warden
American Serbian Vets skit
Autographed softball, 1949 City Championship
Bardelli family in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Bardelli sisters in front of Bardelli’s Confectionery
Boot Straps: The Autobiography of Tom M. Girdler
Boys outside South Works Administration Building
Cartoon in U.S. Steel News
Children from St. Michael’s Church at Camp Lange
Children from St. Michael’s Church on road to Camp Lange
Civil Defense Parade on Commercial Avenue
Colfax Grocery Store
Coni and Herb Martinez
Crowd for “E” Award presentation at South Works
Family at 9034 Houston Avenue
Friends in front of Zwaizdalski’s Drug Store
Gerry Jolly and Steve Borozan wedding
Girl in pageant with Statue of Liberty doll
Gust Mattson home movies
Honor Roll in Victory Garden
ID badge of P. Martinez, South Works
John and Eunice Leo wedding
John Kalwasinski and friends at Coney Island during WWII
Kinney’s Marble Rail Bar
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich
Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich welding
Latin American Social Athletic Club
Latones Club, Bowen High School
Letter from Fred E. Rayfield to State Line Local 12502
Loretta Dolatowski in civil defense uniform
M. Rafaila
Marino Bardelli behind counter
Martha Martinez
Martinez family in Mexico
Military celebration at South Works
Navy sailors outside The Milky Way General Store
Olejnik children in military costumes
Olejnik children on World War II paper drive
Othello Group rehearsing
Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrating laying cornerstone of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe mass and celebration of new school
Our Lady of Guadalupe Young Ladies Sodality Society
Plans of Wolf Lake State Park
Ray and Millie Dolatowski
Raymond “Archie” Arsenault oral history interview
Red Cross Volunteers
Republic Steel trolley stop
Sergeant Frank Kalwasinski
South Shore Tavern
St. Francis DeSales High School cheerleader sweater
Steelworkers Kitty Kalwasinski Markovich and Florence Joseph in Mill
Steve Borozan in Marine uniform
Sts. Peter and Paul dedication
Sundodgers baseball team
Tanks from Pressed Steel Car Company
The Line, Vol. 2, No. 9
U.S. Navy Sailor pins “E” Award button on office worker’s shirt
Valadez family in 1944
Valencia family
Valentino Milano playing concertina
War ration book two
Woman in military uniform
Women moving bricks at South Works
Women workers at South Works
Women workers on railroad tracks
World War II cartoon
WWII letter from Nick Petrocelli to Fred Lehmann