353 resource matches
“The Harvester,” ship at Wisconsin Steel
92nd Street businesses
Acme ABF Casting Floor
Acme Steel Blast Furnace Casting Iron color photograph
Aerial of Acme Steel
Aerial of South Works
Aerial view of South Works
Aerial view of Wisconsin Steel Works
Alice Peurala, President Local 65, at Rally to Keep U.S. Steel-South Works Open
American Legion South Deering Post No. 1238
American Legion South Deering Post No. 1238 award presentation
Baltimore Avenue businesses
Barber trimming child’s hair at Flowers Barbershop
Bell and Howell movie camera
Bessemer Park swimming pool
Bill Ross at work
Blast Furnace Orchestra
Borozan family house on Burley Avenue during flood
Bowling team
Boys boxing at South Chicago YMCA
Boys choir, South Chicago YMCA
Boys on toy car
Bridge wreckage in water
Brody’s Clothing Store
Calhoun Avenue and 105th Street
Calumet Park beach
C.G. Osterberg and Son coal yard and truck
Chicago Shipbuilding Company
Chicago Steel and Wire carnival
Chicago Steel and Wire Company, Bookbinders’ Rolling and Spooling Department
Chicago Steel and Wire, Testing Department
Chicago Steel and Wire, worker on the job
Chicago Steel and Wire, workers on break
Child in yard with South Chicago streetcar in background
Child on pony
Children in clerical costumes
Children in Halloween costumes at Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Children wearing costumes
Church with nativity scene inset
Clarence and Pat near steel mill
Cocula Restaurant
Cordero’s Radio Shop, 3315 East 89th Street
Crosley shortwave radio
Crowd for “E” Award presentation at South Works
Crowd in line for “Open House”
Danger sign at South Works
Daniel Jordan’s Pressing Shop
Deer and guns
Dentist pulling patient’s tooth
District 31 USWA Women’s Caucus event
District 31 USWA Women’s Conference bus
Doctor’s bag
Drawing of steel mills
Drazba family home movies Reel A
East Side Fire Department
Ed Sadlowski and family
Ed Sadlowski and father
E.J.E. Railroad Round House at U.S. Steel, South Works
Elkins children in front of family car
Elkins children on Christmas
Elkins children on Easter
Elkins children with family car
Family on front porch
Family picnic near lake
Family with car
Farmers and children with horse-drawn equipment
F.E. Neubieser General Auto Repairing
Film of East Side Lions Club events and Jay Gould Circus
Five generations of the Neubieser family
Five men doing handstands
Four generations of Neubieser family
Fred, Ed, and Joe Neubieser by clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Fred Neubieser with horses at Wolf Lake
G. Sidlin Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler
Gabrian family
Gallistel School
Gayety Theatre on 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue
Gayety Theatre, showing Spanish language movies
Girls outside Calumet Park Fieldhouse
Girls with snowman
Goldblatt Bros. Store
Grain elevator fire
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, Pile Driver No. 81
Group at Local 65
Group of nuns
Group of women
Group of women at construction site
Group of women with holiday stockings
Group outside Y.M.C.A. building
Harry Pacini and child playing poker
Harry Pacini at Chicago White Sox game
Harry Pacini with woman in wheelchair
Hegewisch Community Committee brochure
Helen Preston contact sheet
Helen Preston’s grandparents
Helen Preston’s parents
Herndobler General Store
Highlight reel of Mendoza family events
Holy Name Society, St. George Slovenian Church
Hopkinson’s Store
Horse-drawn carts in front of barn
House at Wolf Lake
Illinois Steel Company $1000 bond
Illinois Steel Works
Indianapolis Boulevard panorama
Inland Steel boat “Wilfred Sykes” in harbor at night
Interstate Iron and Steel Company safety sign
Iroquois Iron Works at night
Iroquois Steel Mill
Italian Soldier, Pacini family
Jay Gould Circus free ticket
Joe Neubieser in front of “club house”
Joe Neubieser on boat at Wolf Lake
Joe Neubieser outside clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Joe Neubieser with bee hives
John Patton, Mayor of Burnham, on horse-drawn carriage
Joseph Konyvesy
Joseph Scinski with Mother Michaeline and Father Joseph
Justino Cordero and Mexican Independence Day Queen
Kralj wedding party
La Superior Tortilla Place
La Superior Tortilla Place, 3221 East 91st Street
Landfilling at Calumet Park
Latin American Fraternal Society of South Chicago
Local 1033 display, panel 10
Local 1033 display, panel 12
Local 1033 display, panel 13
Local 1033 display, panel 16
Local 1033 display, panel 17
Local 1033 display, panel 19
Local 1033 display, panel 22
Local 1033 display, panel 23
Local 1033 display, panel 24
Local 1033 display, panel 26
Local 1033 display, panel 29
Local 1033 display, panel 3
Local 1033 display, panel 30
Local 1033 display, panel 5
Local 1033 display, panel 9
Local 1033 members listen to radio
Local 1033 members on strike
Local 1033 members picket at Republic Steel gate
Local 1033 strikers
Local 1033 Union election
Local 65 car
Local 65 Christmas party
Local 65 kitchen and cooks
Local 65 meeting
Local 65 parade float
Local 65 President Alice Peurala speaking at “Stop Sex Discrimination” Rally
Local 65 Rally at U.S. Steel-South Works protesting sex discrimination
Local 65 rally at U.S. Steel-South Works protesting sex discrimination and unhygienic conditions
Local 65 steelworkers social gathering
Local union presidents planning shutdown
Long view of two workers on South Works ore barge
Louie Neubieser collecting trash
Louie Neubieser making hay for horses
Lucio Martinez
Lupe Vera’s Orchestra
Man and child sit outdoors
Man and children on porch
Man holding pheasant being reared by Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
Man with cow
Man with three women
Man with two steer
Maria and Herculano Cervantes
Marsh School
Related ItemsWe Love
Source: Book “Mexican Chicago”
Martinez women in front of St. Kevin’s Church
Maryann and Vivian Elkins
Maryann Elkins sitting on family car
Masonic Hall, South Chicago
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago baseball team
Mayas Sports Club of South Chicago players
Men holding string of fish
Men in field near shed with “ON STRIKE, CIO” painted on side
Men playing cards
Men sitting inside Texaco gas station
Milan’s Restaurant and Pizzeria in Hegewisch
Milan’s Restaurant postcard
Milan’s Snack Shop menu
Military celebration with Sons of the American Legion marching band
Military members and nurses with flags
Minnie Neubieser Lightfoot at Wolf Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gomez
National Malting Company fire
Neubieser family and car at Wolf Lake
Neubieser family at Wolf Lake
Neubieser home at Wolf Lake
Nevak family in mourning
Ogniwo at Marquette Gardens
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church altar
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church building
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, National Shrine of St. Jude
Our Lady of Guadalupe Dedication and Blessing program
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen and Mother of all Mexicans
Our Lady of Guadalupe school addition ground breaking ceremony
Patriotic event at steel plant
People on bench outside house
Photo of Alice Peurala, President of Local 65, with sign behind her reading “Keep South Works Open.”
Photo of hunters from Southeast Sportsmen’s Club holding two foxes after a hunt
Photo of hunters in boat with ducks and row boats on Wolf Lake
Photo of Southeast Sportsmen Clubhouse on Wolf Lake with handwritten labels
Photo of women making music at Local 65 rally to protest women’s locker room conditions
Platform tower falling over
Polaroid camera
Polka Home Style Sausage Store
Pool Room, 3221 East 91st Street
Poropat Tavern token
Postcard of construction workers on site
Postcard of the National Shrine of St. Jude
Pressed Steel Car Company
Preston children
Source: Claretian Missionaries Archives
Priest at Our Lady of Guadalupe blessing motorcycles
Priests on beach at Camp Lange
Railroad accident
Railroad accident at 102nd Street
Railroad lantern
Railroad tracks at Arizona and Hegewisch dividing line
Redecorating old St. Mary Magdalene Church
Republic Steel strike, police injure strikers
Republic Steel workers on strike
Republic steelworkers at union meeting
Robert’s race car
S.A. Livingston Horse Shoe Store
Sacred Heart Graduation Class of 1930
Sadlowski family
Serbian Kola Dancers of St. Michael Archangel Church
Serbian play
Serbian Sisters cookbook
Sign for Southeast Sportsmen’s Club Pheasant Brooder Pens
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses
South Chicago Community Hospital nurses and kitchen crew
South Chicago Community Hospital operating room
South Chicago Congregational Church
South Chicago Hotel
South Chicago Plant of Illinois Steel Company
South Chicago Railway streetcar
South Chicago sidewalk scene
South Chicago Sports Club, Mayas A.C. baseball team
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. Camp
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. office
South Works “Open House” advertisement
South Works at night
South Works employee badge of A.T. Curry
South Works employee badge of H. Henderson
South Works employee badge of James P. Fitzgibbons
South Works employees
South Works Fire Department
South Works parade floats
South Works Police Force in Formation
Southeast Chicago tavern
Southeast Sportmen’s Club hunters
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club hunting parade float with Republic blast furnace behind
Southeast Sportsmen’s Club parade float
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel South Works
Speaker at Local 65 rally protesting sex discrimination at U.S. Steel-South Works
Sportsman releasing birds
S.S. Harvester
St. Florian’s School, 8th Grade Class
St. Jude’s National Shrine dedication anniversary program
St. Kevin’s Church
Steel mills at night
Steel Mills at night, South Chicago
Steel yard with workers
Steelworkers on break
Steelworkers outside South Works gatehouse
Steelworkers picket, Local 65
Steelworkers wives in the kitchen at Local 65
Striking steelworkers in parking lot
Tampico Club
Tap dancer
Teenage girls band
The Mexican Inn menu
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club displaying fish
The Southeast Sportsmen’s Club releasing birds
Three generations of Konyvesy/Neubieser women on porch
Three girls carrying food baskets
Tia Santos Cervantez and her children
Tia Santos Cervantez with woman leaning on car
Tony and Vincenta Bravo
Trumbull Park Housing Project
Two Men with horses
Underwater diver on dock
United Steelworkers of America 10th Constitutional Convention
U.S. Steel employees
U.S. Steel Workers gathering at Marquette Garden
U.S. Steel workers on street corner
U.S. Steelworkers election
U.S. Steelworkers gathering at Marquette Garden
U.S. Steelworkers in line for election
U.S. Steelworkers meeting
U.S. Steelworkers picketing
U.S. Steelworkers’ in line for election
Vaudette Theatre advertisement
Velma and Robert Elkins
Velma Elkins with her children
Vesuvio Tavern token
Veterans commemoration services, South Deering post
Wisconsin Steel block and tackle
Wisconsin Steel Company
Wisconsin Steel Company advertisement
Wisconsin Steel dumping slag
Wisconsin Steel Works
Wisconsin Steel Works employee badge
Wolf Lake boat landing
Woman and children on bridge
Woman at Local 65 rally with sign “Fleas are an Added Benefit at USS”
Woman feeding chickens
Woman in field
Woman speaking to Local 65 rally to protest conditions of women’s locker rooms
Women and children with corn plants
Women at “Stop Sex Discrimination” Rally at U.S. Steel-South Works
Women at Local 65 Rally with Sign “Defend Our Basic Rights”
Women holding corn
Women sitting near Wolf Lake
Women with children outside house
Women working at desks in South Works office
Wooden cross
Work sign in multiple languages at South Works
Workers exit Republic Steel Corporation, South Chicago Works
Workers on the job at South Works
Y.M.C.A. Building Campaign, 92nd Street and Commercial Avenue