26 resource matches
August and Annie Neubieser
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Source: Field Museum
Bird Specimen from Wolf and Hyde Lakes
Bowen Class of 1880
Bowen School
Bowen School Class of 1880
Brook Silverside Fish, Wolf Lake, 1898
Children outside Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Children play in Lake Michigan
Copies of marriage certificates in St. Francis De Sales Parish records
Cummings School 5th Grade Class
Dr. Walter Titzel’s operating room
Examination of Title, South Chicago
Group of cyclists
Ice cutting on Wolf Lake
Image of Mouth of Calumet River labelled “South Chicago in 1870”
James Johnston’s Paint Store
Knickerbocker Ice Company letterhead
Map of Calumet River and lakes
Plant specimen Creeping Thistle, Wolf Lake
Plant specimen White-tinged Sedge, Wolf Lake, 1892
South Chicago Y.M.C.A. basketball team
South Works, Illinois Steel Company
South Works Rail Mill crew
St. Patrick’s School, 4th Grade Class
Sts Peter and Paul Parochial School Class of 1882
Worker wearing protective net mask