Archive ID: 1993-034-01

Inland Steel workers outside Dock Office

Date Created: 1954 December 2

Donor: Luis C. Medina

Media Type: Photograph


Inland Steel workers outside Dock Office. Workers wear hard hats, including seven kneeling and holding numbers mounted on stakes. The left-most person kneeling holds the numnber one followed by the other six lined up to the right, each holding a number zero, creating “1,000,000.” Dock Office and harbor in background. Banners on Dock Office roof read, “Careless Ways Shorten Days,” and “_s Your Fulltime Job.”


Photo depicts Inland Steel workers wearing hard hats outside Dock Office. Seven are kneeling and holding numbers on signs mounted on sticks. Collectively, the signs spell out “1,000,000.” Dock Office and harbor in background. Banners on Dock Office roof read, “Careless Ways Shorten Days,” and “[indecipherable] Your Fulltime Job.”

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Mills   Other   Steel Industry   Steel Labor   1950-1979   Other/Unknown   Other/Unknown   Photograph