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Archive ID: 1982-219-48

WWI letter from John E. Middleton

Date Created: 1919-03-12

Donor: Jackie Puplava

Media Type: Letter

Language: English


Letter from Private John “Jack” E. Middleton to his mother (Sophia C. Middleton) in Southeast Chicago (10035 Avenue N); sent from Echternach, Luxembourg, during World War I.


John Middleton, known as Jack, was a soldier during World War I. His parents lived on the East Side in Southeast Chicago. Jack’s father, Henry, had emigrated from England in 1886 and was a boilermaker in the steel mills. His mother, Sophie Weisen, had emigrated from Prussian Germany. His parents met and married in Chicago and had six children. Jack was the third child. When he was 21, he was sent to Europe to fight in the war. During 1918-19, he wrote a series of 25 heartfelt letters home to his mother and family. The letters described how much he missed them and some of his experiences on the warfront. The year after returning to Chicago, Jack married and returned to work in the steel mills as a machinist.

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War Experiences   WWI   1900-1919 (WWI Era)   East Side   Other/Unknown   Letter   1982-219   Army   Correspondence   Families   France   German   Letters   Luxembourg   Military   Pennsylvania Railroad