Archive ID: 2022-004-15

CC Motor Inspectors in Motor Inspectors shop, U.S. Steel, South Works

Date Created: 1981

Donor: Bob Sarnowski

Media Type: Photograph


CC Motor Inspectors in Motor Inspectors shop at U.S. Steel, South Works. Pictured from left to right are Murry Berry, Bob Sarnowski, and John Zez.


This image was taken of CC Motor Inspectors in Motor Inspectors shop at U.S. Steel-South Works. Pictured from left to right are Murry Berry, Bob Sarnowski, and John Zez. Photographer unknown.

This image is part of a collection of images donated and taken by, or including, Bob Sarnowski. Bob grew up as part of a Polish immigrant family in South Chicago. Like his grandfather, father, and uncles, he went to work in the steel mills. He grew up two blocks away from US Steel-South Works, so close that his mother would have to take in her laundry from the clothesline to evade the red dust from the Open Hearths. Bob worked at South Works from 1973 to 1981 and apprenticed as an electrician, or “motor inspector” as they were called in the mills. He also loved to take photographs. Although steel mill management prohibited workers from taking photos in the mills, Bob would sometimes sneak his camera in under his coat to evade mill security in order to take pictures. These images are particularly precious since they are some of the few available taken by workers themselves rather than mill management. Bob took a series of photographs when the mill was still operational during the 1970s and, later, of South Works in various stages of decay as it began closing during the 1980s. Bob donated his images to share this record with others.

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Deindustrialization   Mill Artifacts   Mills   South Works   Steel Industry   Steel Labor   1980 - Present (Deindustrialization)   South Chicago   Other/Unknown   Photograph